Chapter 16. A rainy morning.

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( Disclaimer I used Google translate for the Russian and Latin parts. )

There you were, chained to the ground by invisible chains and pitch black liquid pouring out of, your mouth, eyes, and nose. But this time there was a familiar figure in the distance, it was pitch black, back recognizable. It was walking towards you, slowly. You were trapped, until you weren't.

You woke up, in a cold sweat, and you were hyperventilating. You slowly started calming down, with you realized that you still had your scarf, on from last night.

Speaking of last night, what time is it? You found your self asking. You looked over, at your alarm clock and saw that it was 4:00 AM.

You sighed and fell back on to your bed, exhausted. You tossed and turned, for about 30-35 minutes, when you decide to call it quits, on sleeping even more that night.

You swung your legs, over the side of the bed, and got out. You stretched out all four of your arms out, and yawned. You lowered your arms back down, and re-realized that you still had your scarf on. You reached behind your neck, untied your scarf, and placed it on the night stand.

Y/n : How, do I keep Fuckin forgetting to take off my scarf? It's not really like me.

You were zoned out, thinking, when you heard a loud grumble, and what felt like, a empty void in your stomach.

Y/n : Fuck. Why do I have to be so god damn hungry right now? How long has it been since I last ate something?

You thought about it for a few minutes, and couldn't come up with the last time you had eaten anything last. You eventually gave up, trying to remember, and walked over to the door, opened it, walked out in to the hallway, and closed it behind you.

You walked in to the kitchen, and over to the fridge. You opened the fridge, but found nothing both, appealing nor unexpired.

Y/n : Is there seriously, not anything to Fucking eat, in this god damn place!?

You said out loud, to your self, as you slammed the fridge door close, in annoyance.

Y/n : Well, I mean I could, go bye something. But do I really want to waste any of my money right now?

You felt your stomach growl once again.

Y/n : Well, that answers that question.

You, walked away from the fridge, down the hallway, and to your room. You opened the door, walked in, but left it open.

You walked over to your closet, opened the doors, reached up in to a top shelf, and pulled down a black box. It was rapped in a beautiful, dark Crimson red bow.

You untied the bow, and took off the lid. Inside, was about 5 or 6 thousands, dollars in cash. You took, about 200-300 dollars out of it, put the lid back on it, placed it back on the top shelf of the, closet, and closed it.

You, then turned around, walked over to your night stand, grabbed your scarf, and tied it around your neck.

You turned around, walked out your room, closed the door behind you, but instead of walking straight out the door, you walked over to Dustin's room, and knocked on his door.

After a few minutes, a disheveled, and tired Dustin, opened the door, cane in hand.

Dustin : Chego ty khochesh' tak rano?

Y/n : Shut up, it's not that early in the morning. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to go get something to eat, but since, it's too early in the morning, for that, I guess I'll just go myself.

He, walked out of his room, and closed the door behind him, he then looked up at you.

Dustin : Itak, kuda my idem?

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