Chapter 14. First day back from the hospital

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(Disclaimer I used Google translate for the Russian and Latin parts.)

As the last chapter stated, you fell asleep while covering Dustin with your Wing. But this time was different. You were dreaming or were relieving memories, you really couldn't tell.

You were in a black void, just like when you where at hospital. But this time it was different. You could move, hear, smell, feel, and taste. You looked around not sure were you where. When everything went from a pitch bklack void to a blinding white void of nothing. Until it was something. You were pulled to the ground, and chained there, by something. You tried to get yourself out but you couldn't. So you gave up and waited. That's when a chain rapped tightly around your neck, and yanked you down, below the white void. You were falling or should I say sinking fast. You now couldn't breathe, or move. You were like this for what felt like an eternity. When you slammed on to what you assumed to be the ground. When you hit it, you lost your breathe. You couldn't breathe or move, but you still managed to sit up, still chained to the ground. But when you did you started leaking a pitch black substance. It looked like it was a fluid, but not like water like honey or syrup. It was leaking out from your eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. You couldn't control the flow of the fluid. You were trying to escape from the chains when, you woke up. Dustin had shaken you awake. You were breathing heavily, but after a few seconds you're breathing steady, and you looked at Dustin.

Y/n : Something wrong?

Dustin : Ya dumayu, chto my zdes'.

You looked at him confused for a second, until you looked out the car's window and saw, that y'all had arrived at your destination.

Y/n : We are.

You unbuckled your seat belt, opened the car door, walked over to the other side, opened Dustin's door and helped him out of the car. He grabbed his cane and jumped out. He closed the door behind him. As soon as he did that however Rider sped off. You watched him, drive away, you were annoyed with him.

Y/n : Rude mater irrumater praetor.

You said it in Latin, so Dustin couldn't both repeat it and understand it. But when you looked back at Dustin was, he was already gone. That's when you saw the door close. Meaning that he had already gone inside. You sighed and continued walking over to the door. You reopened it, walked inside, closed and locked the door behind you. You looked around the living room. There was cigarette ashes on the couch, coffee table, and ground, along with some drugs, and used condoms.

Wait a minute. Used condoms? You thought to your self, until you heard, creaking, pleasurable moaning, and screaming. You almost threw up when you finally understand what was going on. You slowly inched your way to your bed room, being careful to not step on any used condoms. When you got to your room you immediately closed and locked the door behind you. When you were completely in the safety of your room, you sighed and walked over to your bed. You took off your scarf and placed on the bed stand right next to you. You rapped your tail around a corner of your blanket and covered your self with it. You quickly fell asleep, faster than usual.

You woke up, and looked around confused. You looked at your alarm clock and saw that it was 12:11 you yawned and realized that you were pretty thirsty. So you got up, walked over to your bed room door, opened it, and closed it behind you. You walked to the kitchen, over to the fridge, opened it, grabbed the milk jug, and reclosed the fridge. You started chugging the milk on your way back to your room. You walked over to your bed room door, opened it, walked in, closed and locked it behind you, then walked over to your bed, and basically collapsed.

The next morning, you woke up to someone saying your name. You looked to your side and saw that it was Dustin.

Y/n : Chto na etot raz?

Dustin : Ya umirayu ot skuki!

Y/n : Eto ne moya problema. Krome togo, mne nuzhno otdokhut'.

You pushed him away with your arm. And tried to go back to sleep.

Dustin : Otlichno.

You heard what sounded like him walking away, you sighed and tried to get more rest. But you couldn't, because you could literally feel eyes burning in to the back of your head. You sighed, and turned around, to see Dustin seating down on the ground, watching you try to sleep.

Y/n : Khorosho, ty vyigral.

Dustin : Da!

Y/n : Now, ran along, and do whatever you do normally, while I get ready.

He was smiling as he walked out of your room. You sighed, sat up, popped your back and neck. Then got out of bed. You stretched out your legs, arms, and wings. You lowered your limbs, and began walking out, when you tripped over and fell directly on your chin.

Y/n : The Fuck!?

You shouted in pain. You rapped your tail around the object you had just tripped over and brought it to your face.

Y/n : Milk? Milk. Milk. I Fuckin tripped over milk, out of all things.

You said to your self while looking at the half drunken jug.

Y/n : How long has this been in my room?

You continued to look at it for a few more seconds, but you then shrugged and tossed it into some random corner of your room, to be found either a few hours later or next year. You got back up, continued to walk out of your room, down the hallway, past the kitchen, and to the bathroom. You closed and locked the door behind you, walked over to the shower, turned it on, and reached for your scarf, but realized that you weren't wearing it at all.

Y/n : I forgot to put my scarf on? Huh. That's not really like me...

You shrugged, and got in the shower. But after a few minutes in, you realized something. You couldn't feel the water on your back, you mean you could feel it, you just couldn't feel if it was hot or not. So that's where you decided to end the shower. You walked over to the sink, bent down, took out a towel, and dryed your self off with it. Your fur still looked messy, but you really didn't care about it. You dropped the towel on to the ground, and walked out of the bathroom. You walked past the kitchen again and to the living room, where Dustin was sitting waiting for you. He had his cane in his hand, and was looking at the ground humming to himself. You walked over to him, and tapped him on the shoulder.

Y/n : I'm out of the shower. We can go now.

Dustin : Okonchatel'no!

Y/n : Please I was only in there for about 16 minutes. Stop being so dramatic, will ya?

He scoffed at you. You rolled your eyes and walked over to the door, unlocked it and held it open for Dustin.

Y/n : You coming or not?

He got up and walked out the door. You followed after him, but you closed the door behind you. You turned and looked at Dustin, as you leanded on the door.

Y/n : Where do you even want to go?

He stood there for a few seconds, thinking.

Dustin : Kak naschect togo, chtoby poyti v park?

Y/n : I think that it's only a block or two away, so yeah, we can go.

Dustin : Da!

Y/n : Let's go and not waste anymore time.

You said to him as you got off the door, and started walking away, he quickly ran to you and held on to your arm. A few blocks later and you and Dustin where at the park.

Y/n : Now go play or whatever you do.

Dustin : Togda uvidimsya pozzhe.

He said to you, as he walked away. You rolled your eyes and walked over to a bench. As you where watching him swing on the swing set, you could feel your self start to drift off to sleep.


Word count : 1435

( Look at me posting only two days after the last chapter. Anyway I had to pull an all nighter, so please enjoy.)

Monster university(Johnny X (F) reader) reboot. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon