Chapter. 7 Leaving for Spring brake.

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( So I have decided that I'll be showing what happened over spring break. Anyways, Disclaimer, I used google translate for the Russian and Latin parts.)

You could barely even get up out of your bed, at the sound of your alarm clock, but you had to. You rolled out of bed and hit the ground with a thud, it kinda hurt you. You groaned and got up, you grabbed your alarm clock and looked at it, it read ''6 : 30'' you were kinda pissed off but not that badly. You looked to your side and saw that James was asleep and Randall was on his chest asleep. You were confused for a few seconds before you rememberd that he was sleeping in your and Jame's dorm. You yawned and stretched out, you then popped your neck witch intern made a sound that sounded like you had just broken your neck, it kinda hurt you. You the walked over to the bath room and locked the door behind you. You walked over to the shower and started it up, and stood up and walked over to the sink and turned it on and washed your face. You turned off the sink and got in to the shower, you did what ever you do in the shower and got out. Instead of using the blow dryer and waking up James and Randall, you decided to shake your self off like a dog. You crouched down and grabbed a towel from under the sink. You dried your self off but when you looked at your self in the mirror, you looked horrible. You sighed and continued, after a few minutes you were done, and walked out of the bath room. You walked out to see that both James and Randall were now both awake. You walked over to your bed and sat down on it.

James : Morning Y/n.

Randall : Good morning.

Y/n : Dobroye utro, Dzheyms, dobroye utro, Rendall.

Randall : What?

He turned his head to James.

James : Oh, she just said good morning.

Randall : Oh.

He smiled, and turned his head back to you, but to only see your tired and messy face looking at the ground in what looked to be a trance.

Randall : Are you okay Y/n? You seem either exhausted over something or tired.

James : Yeah, you have bags under your eyes.

Y/n : Ow, y'all go from saying good morning, and all that good Shit, to saying that I look like Shit. Well, for your information, I spent a while, with Mike comforting him, because of what happened yesterday. And now I'm paying the price of being such a amazing friend.

You said as you flopped the upper part of your body on to the bed, and groaning.

Randall : Well, at least we don't have class today. So you could have a little bit of more sleep.

Y/n : What do you mean by that?

Randall : Spring brake, ring a bell?

You then sprung up and looked at him.

Y/n : Holy Shit. I forgot about Spring brake.

James : How did you forget about it? I thought that you were going to be the most excited about this.

Y/n : I would be. If I had the energy to be excited. Wait why don't we have class today?

Randall : Because, everyone is leaving for Spring brake today?

Y/n : Holy Shit, we are!?

James : Wow, you really did forget about it.

Y/n : Duh! Man, I'm not ready to see my family again. Mostly my Fuckin mother.

Randall : Why not? And why don't you like your mother?

Y/n : I'd rather not get in to that right now. It's every personal.

Monster university(Johnny X (F) reader) reboot. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant