Chapter 9 A night time problem.

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( Disclaimer I used Google translate for the Russian and Latin parts. Also I know that this shorter than the rest,and that's because, I thought that I'd write this chapter as a little bonus, plus I wanted to show y'all what you and Dustin are like, so enjoy. )

You woke up to the sound of knocking on your door, you still half asleep and now very pissed off, got up from your bed and stumbled over to the door. You swung the door open and opened your upper eyes. You were expecting to see your mother standing there but you didn't see anybody, until you looked down and saw Dustin looking back at you. He was still wearing his jacket and had a pillow and small blanket with him.

Y/n : Dustin? Why are you doing still wake at- uh what time is it?

You turned your head around and looked at your clock, it read : 1:00 am, you turned your head back around now fully awake and looked at Dustin.

Y/n : Dustin, it's 1:00 in the morning. Why are you still awake?

You said to him as you crouched down, to his highest, to look at him in the eyes. That's when you noticed that he had a dark circle underneath his eye.

Y/n : Dustin have you been awake all night?

Dustin : Da, ya ne mog spat'. Kak ty dumayesh', ya mogu provesti noch' v tvoyey komnate?

Y/n : Yes, but just for tonight.

Dustin : Spasibo, T/i.

Y/n : You're welcome.

You then moved out of the way and let him into your room, you closed the door behind him. You watched as he climbed up on to your bed, placed his pillow right next to yours and also placed his blanket on to your bed. You then walked over to your bed and took a pillow and blanket and threw them to the ground. You sighed, and looked at Dustin, he was looking at you, in a very obviously confused way. You chuckled and flick him in the nose. He quickly covered his nose with his hands and looked at you, and scrunchied his face at you. You chuckled again and petted his head.

Y/n : You can sleep in my bed and I'll be on the ground.

You flick him again but this time you did it to his forehead.

Y/n : Night idiot.

You untied your scarf and placed it on your night stand, and layed back down, falling back in to that familiar, deep sleep. Well until you feel that someone is nuzzled in to your back, you confused sat up and looked at who it was, it was Dustin. He was completely knocked out and snoring. You groaned and layed back down, and somehow feel back asleep.

Word count : 471

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