Chapter 49 Set In Motion

Start from the beginning

Caboose: Give it to me straight Church! Is Freckles gonna make it?

Epsilon: Your robot's fine, I just need a few more-

Epsilon disappears. Freckles' storage chip begins beeping.

Epsilon: Ah there we go!

Epsilon reappears.

Epsilon: Congrats, your pet has been debugged.

Caboose: (sighs out of relief) Oh God! (puts chip away) Now all we have to do is get him fixed.

Carolina: I can't believe you would just accept something from the enemy like that!

Washington: It was a lapse in judgement, it won't happen again.

Epsilon appears next to Carolina.

Epsilon: Yeah because next time we'll be dead! Come on Wash, you're supposed to be the smart one in the group.

Simmons: I thought I was the smart one in the group?

Grif: Ehhh. Smart's relative. Like good looks or skills. Sometimes you have to settle.

Tucker: Would you guys all shut up! This isn't helping!

Epsilon: Oh yeah righ- since when have you manage to help around here?

Tucker: Hey, maybe you haven't noticed, but I've been kinda running this shit while you were gone.

Grif: Just out of curiosity, who ran stuff when he was here?

Epsilon: Well you ran straight into the ground Tucker, great job, you must be so proud.

Emily: Oookayy. Everyone's a liiittle tense right now.

Tucker: Well at least I tried!

Epsilon appears in front of Tucker

Epsilon: You!? What about me? You think I'm in a vacation this whole time?

Donut: Please! Stop fighting! Can't you see you're tearing this family apart?!

Everyone just stared at Donut.

Epsilon: Right. This shits getting weird. I'm out. Hey if you need me I'll be thinking of a way to keep us alive for the next 24 hours.

Epsilon disappears.

Tucker: Good riddance.

Epsion: (voice only) Hey I heard that! I'm still actually in the room dumbass!

Zero: Alrighty then, how about we go check the perimeter...

Tex: Yeah...

Washington: I'll do the same. Why don't you guys just take a breather.

Zero, Carolina, Wash and Maine all walked away.

Caboose: Hey! Bye Wash! By Zero! Bye Carolina! Bye big scary quiet person! Bye Church!

Tucker: Caboose aren't you even like the tiniest bit pissed off at Church?

Caboose: Ahhhhhhh Nope!

Tucker: Not even a little?

Caboose: Nah.

Tucker: At all?

Caboose: Yeah no. Not really.

Tucker: How? He's being such an asshole!

Simmons: I'm pretty sure Church has always been an asshole.

Grif: Yeah. Isn't that kind of his thing? Like Simmons is smart, I'm good looking, you guys are the dumb one, the lazy one, and the mean one.

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