
121 5 165

2020 Jan, 1st week

Myself Sora. I'm an engineering student. Computer Science field to be specific. 2nd year. I used to live with my parents as my college was near to our house. Used to as now I'm going to the cabin my parents had recently bought, a beachside house, not exactly by the beach but just a few mins away and strangely for a house to be near the beach it was really cheap. No, the house wasn't haunted. The family to whom that house belonged to had to shift abroad so they wanted to sell this property and leave. They were ready to give it even in a much lower price as they didn't want the selling of the house to delay there abroad trip. Now as the pandemic is starting I decided to live in this farmhouse alone and attend my online classes, and that would also let me check out the house we bought.

So right now, as I said I'm travelling to the place and I will reach there in a few hours before evening, well I left the house in the morning and it's a long drive to here.

After a few more hours and I reached the house. I parked the car outside.

That's a huge house for a single person to live in. Well it's actually big enough even for three people. And around here there was no other house or shop. Even the nearest shop was half an hour from here and the fact that a beach was nearer than these. To be called as a cabin it's really big. It was a one-storey house.

I entered the house with the help of the keys, dragging the luggage inside. It was totally clean as I was expecting it to be all unorganised and that I had to clean it up.

As you enter, there's a kitchen to your left with a dining table and the living room on the right. Furthermore on the left there was the stairs to go up, the restroom aside and on the right was a room with the king sized bed, probably the couple stayed in there. I went upstairs and it had 2 rooms each having a single queen sized bed and there own bathrooms except the common one on the floor. The floor had lots of open space other than the few balconies here and there. There was a garden in here too. The first thing I did after checking out the house was call my mom.

"Hey mom. I reached the place and it's clean and stocked with groceries?"

"That's great honey. And yeah as you said it would be exhausting to clean up the house just by yourself so we sent in some people for the work before. Hope you like the place."

"Oh yes mom. Thanks a lot, the place is really beautiful. I'll ping you up later, gotta freshen up. I love you."

"Sure dear. Mumma loves you a lot!"

"Bye." I cut the call.

I decided to stay in one of the room upstairs. I unpacked my clothes and all the other stuff I brought, which wasn't a lot. I freshened up and ate some snacks not caring to cook a proper meal as I was really tired from driving for so long.

It had been 2 days since I came here, trying to settle in. It was the same routine each day. I would wake up in the morning, do my classes, have some breakfast, bath, lunch, sleep in the afternoon, water the plants in the evening, either watch TV or scroll through the internet for a few hours, study and then make dinner and head to sleep. Today was Sunday and now that I'm here so near from a beach I wanted to go there!! As the beach was near from here so I went on foot.

It was empty. It wasn't a long beach but a small one. A layer of coconut trees before the soil ended and then there was the sand. The gap between the ocean and the soil wasn't too big either. Now it's around 5 and the sun was setting over the horizon.

The soft sand below my bare foot as I walked with my slippers in hand along the coast felt like heaven. The sand being hollow just after the wave hit the shore resulted in it sinking down whenever I stepped on it making me remember the times I had visited the beach as a child in different places. It's so beautiful how the water is still but moving at the same time from a distance from the beach. As waves are formed repeatedly washing the sand along with which many tiny creatures go along with the waters in deep ocean. At times it felt like the waves coming are really big but then as it comes closer to the coast it becomes slower clashing with the previous wave. Standing still waiting for the waves to reach your feet but getting upset when it didn't or just walking behind letting the wave come to you as far as possible, I was surely having lots of fun. I am really fond of nature, I mean she's such a beauty. It was the start of summer season and also the start of the year but the cool breeze from the ocean caressing my face felt great as if the ocean was welcoming me. I sat there looking at the sun setting, disappearing in the water minute by minute. I was afraid to blink my eye that I'll miss something. The birds chirping, returning to there nests. The sky's colours changing from yellowish orange to reddish orange. I planned onto leaving once the sun set but I didn't want to anymore. Once the sun had totally vanished I lied down with my hand behind my head, looking up in the sky as the stars and moon slowly appeared with the shades of the sky getting darker and darker. I closed my eyes to feel the surroundings around me and without realising I fell into deep sleep.

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