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"Okay so we have what? A week left before we need to showcase it?" Giselle asked after the three of us took a small break from practice
I looked over at Michelle to see her with a look of disgrace on her face, something that seems to be a reoccurring thing in this practice 

I glanced over at Giselle who nodded meaning she had noticed it to 
The thing is, neither of us know of the problem nor had Michelle mentioned anything but I know the moment it's mentioned it's game over

"How about we call it for the afternoon? We'll pick it up tomorrow?" Giselle asked earning yet another eye roll from Michelle 

With that said and done, Giselle grabbed her things and left, leaving Michelle and I on our own
"Alright, what's going on Mich" I asked making her look at me, she looked me up and down before shaking her head 
"It isn't even worth it Riley" She growled grabbing her bag heading out of the door

 I wasn't letting her make that much of a fuss and then not speak again it
After grabbing my things I followed her down the corridor until we were almost at the door to the main studio where we knew they boys were practicing 

"Will you just talk to me! How on earth are we meant to sort whatever is going on if you don't talk to me" I warned her, she looked at me and scoffed 

"Why would you want to fix it? Hell you don't even see what you are doing" She growled
"Then fucking tell me Michelle" I yelled making her laugh
"You're so oblivious Riley it could easily be slapping you in the face right now and you still wouldn't get it" She said 

"At least Emily had the bollocks to say it to my face" She said making me furrow my brows, at this point it was obvious the 4 boys had stopped their practice and were listening in

"What does Emily have to do with anything?" i asked 
"Because Riley, you're following directly in her footsteps and you don't even notice" She spat 

I looked at her confused, I truly had no idea what she was on about but the fact she brought Emily into it. Meant she didn't want to fix it 

"You're just like her whether you fucking like it or not" She spat at me making me look at her with nothing but pure hurt written on my face

"Michelle!" Eldon yelled making both of us turn to see the 4 boys stood there, James had a look on his face as if he wanted to step in but I shook my head at him
Both Eldon and Hunter has a look of disgrace on their face
This wasn't the Michelle we grew up with 

"If you think that then you know where the door is" I said making her scoff
"Gladly" She muttered making sure to push past me as she left 

I looked up to see all 4 boys looking at me a little taken back but also with a sympathetic look on their faces
"Roo she didn't mean it" Hunter said making me glance at him
"no, she did" I answered repositioning my bag on my shoulder 

"Where are you going?" West asked making both Hunter and Eldon look at him
"To get some fresh air" I answered, Hunter and Eldon both knew what that phrase meant but luckily for me, West and James did not

"Riley don't" Eldon whispered but I offered him one final smile before walking out leaving the boys to their own devices 

I needed to be alone right now, I needed to take in what had just happened and I needed to breathe 
Because right now, I'm my biggest enemy..

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