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I think it's about time that someone's smile started to crash down, Riley's gotten a little comfortable in her position right now
Time for a little rock of the boat..

"Hey James, where have you been disappearing to every evening lately?" I asked as we all sat in the common room, Riley and her friends just a mere few feet away
"I've been at practice followed to doing some homework" He answered merely giving up the biggest whole in his plan

"Since when do you do homework?" Giselle asked cuddled up to West
"Since Mr Myers has been riding his ass" West said covering up for James

I shot him a look to which he returned with a glare, he knew something. I don't know what he knew but he knew something 
"dang, here was me thinking you were sneaking off with a girl" Giselle teased him making James chuckle 

"Like I could do that, y'all watch my move like a freaking hawk" James answered but I wasn't believing him one second

"And if I was to say I had prove that said otherwise?" I smirked making all three of them look over at me confused
I had the upper hand here and now James knew that 

"What are you talking about Beth?" West asked making me chuckle
"Like I would give up my ammo that easily" I smirked getting up to walk away 

Now I had him exactly where I wanted him, he would be sat there sweating wondering what I had on him and honestly, I had a lot more then he thinks 
But he wasn't who I was after - I wanted Riley to squirm. I wanted to knock her deeper into a hole until she start to crash and burn


The following morning, Michelle was nowhere to be seen and considering it was the weekend. I'm pretty sure she'll be with her group of idiots
And I was soon proved right as I walked through the common room to find everyone there but James and Riley

For a couple that are keeping it on the downlow.. They certainly spend a lot of time together 

"Morning campers" I smiled walking over to Giselle and West, I earned an instant eye roll from West probably for interrupting their time together
"Where is he?" I asked making it obvious who I was talking about 

"He's out with Piper and his mum this morning" West said crossing his arm
"West I asked a question, I didn't realise that came with such attitude" I chuckled
"Have you noticed Riley isn't around either?" I continued directing my question at Giselle. She roomed with Riley meaning she could know something

"Her and Eldon have a something this morning" She said making me scoff
"Then why is Eldon over there looking like he could pounce on Michelle at any given time" I asked but West rolled his eyes again

"Why do you care so much Beth?" West asked 

"What's up your ass today?" I smirked making him growl
Giselle took a hold of his hand in the attempt it would calm him down but i doubt it, just like James - West is a freaking ticking time bomb

Before we could say anything else, Riley walked in followed minutes later by James. The glance they shared said a lot but how much do we want to bet.. I'm the only one who saw that 

"How was baby P" Giselle asked looking at James making him chuckle
"She's good, she's just moved up a level at The Next Step, she made it into J-Troupe" He explained 

Could it be that he really was with Piper? Was it just a coincidence that Riley was busy too?

"You know what that means though don't you?" West teased making James roll his eyes
"Piper is not about to start dating so get that idea out of your head man" James answered pointing to West 

I glanced back over at Riley who was knee deep in a conversation with Hunter and Michelle. There was something about this girl just didn't sit right with me
And if she thinks I'm just gonna give up like that.

She has another thing coming..

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