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"Yes mum, I get it" I said listening to mum ramble down the phone to me about the standards she expects me to reach 
"I won't let you down" I muttered before minutes later the call had ended

The thing with my mother is I'm her last chance. When Dad left, he took the boys meaning I stayed with mum so she has this stupid standard she wants me to live up to. 
And if I don't?
I'm pretty sure there will be hell to pay

I sighed going over to the mirror to try and compose myself before walking into Dance stupidly late
Luckily today is only the newbies auditions, so I won't be missing much at all 

I pulled my hair back up into a bun before nodding to myself, the comments from my mother are nothing new and I should learn to just ignore them but that's easier said then done now isn't it 


I walked into our usual studio to see another girl dancing. As soon as Beth, West and James notice me they motion me over
Looking around the studio, it was clear that we had already divided into our school and the newbies

The newbies has this level of confidence that I don't think any of us would have if the circumstances were reversed. I know for a fact I would not be dancing like this if I was in their position 

"Hey, where have you been?" Beth asked still attempting to cling on to James who wasn't paying any attention to her
As per usual

"Mum called, nothing major" I said making both James and West look at me with a raised brow. As much as Beth and I can be close at time, she has no idea of the situation with mum and I
The boys on the other hand..
They are a different story

"What have I missed?" I asked nodding to the new guys
"Well, we lost Adrian, Harry and Jack to group 2. They've been replaced by Eldon, Hunter and" West said before looking at James
"Nathan?" James asked clearly neither of them had been paying much attention 
"And the girls?" i asked looking as the girl had finished her performance 

"None of them had made it into group 1 yet. Our spots are safe anyway" Beth gloated. The truth is nobody's spot is safe
Beth is naïve to think she's safe
All it'll take is one girl to do her style better then she does and she'll be out of here

"You'll be in group 2" Our teacher explained, Group 1 was the group you wanted to be in, we are first picks for any part time dance jobs, Competitions and we all feature in the showcases we put on

"Next we have Riley Morris?" The teacher called, I watched as the small brunette I was still yet to properly introduce myself to took to the floor, she looked around before smiling at her group of friends waiting for her music to start

Her style was unique, almost as if she just somehow flows with the music but she also has a little kick to her step 
"Interesting" The teacher said making me glance at Beth
I think we are about to have our first replacement on the girls side of things

"You'll be in Group 1 replacing..." She started before looking around. Her eyes soon found their way over to where Beth and I were standing next to each other only making a sickly feeling creep up

"Beth" Our teacher dictated, Riley walked off the floor proudly while Beth stood there in complete shock
I tried my best to hold in a laugh
"what happened to your spot was safe?" West smirked and that one comment alone was enough to send James and I into laughter

"And finally, Michelle Adams" The teacher called before Riley's friend walked to the floor 
Something tells me, she'll be a force to be reckoned with too

See that is what I meant
It's no surprise these girls are friends, they are both powerhouses in their own way
Which makes me wonder, seeing at the boys they are always with got through
How talented are they

"Group 1" The teacher said making all of ears prick up, she turned to look at us before nodding
"you'll be replacing Maddie" She continued before Michelle nodded walking off to the side being engulfed into a hug by Riley and the boys

"That smile will be wiped off of their faces soon enough" Beth muttered and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who heard

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