Camila waited for Lauren to explain herself but all the basketball player could do was look at her.

What was she supposed to say?

"I'm sorry."

The doctor lowered her eyes.

"I tried to quit, Camz, I did, but.." Lauren's words failed her.

Camila swallowed the lump in her throat, as she put the laptop on the bed. She stared daggers into Lauren's eyes.

"I was in a hospital bed with a concussion and a broken arm, and you looked straight into my eyes" The doctor's voice cracked. "And you lied."

Lauren put her head down in shame. She knew Camila was right.

"How could you do that?" Camila breathed.

The basketball player hesitantly met Camila's gaze again and she saw the hurt in those brown eyes she had caused. She didn't have an answer to that question.

Camila slowly stood from the bed, her eyes burning with fresh tears.

"I think we should...we should take a break."

Lauren slowly closed her eyes and a tear escaped, rolling down her face.

"I left the engagement ring on the dresser."

"Camz, please don't." The green eyed pleaded, tears making themselves more present in her eyes. She got up and took a step towards Camila, wanting to reach out to her.

"Lauren, don't. Don't make this any harder?"

Lauren stopped. Her eyes moved to the suitcase that was next to the brunette and her bottom lip began to quiver.

"Please, Camz." Lauren sobbed, desperation in her voice. "I'll stop, I promise I'll stop. Just stay with me. Don't leave me."

Camila shook her head solemnly, unable to stop the tears from that were now falling from her eyes freely. "That's what you said before. It was lie, you're even lying to me now."

Lauren's heart was beating at a frantic pace and her palms were sweating. Her worst nightmare was becoming a reality.

The love of her life was leaving.

As Camila tried to take her suitcase, Lauren move over to stand in front of her,  and grabbed the brunette's free hand. She kissed it and pressed it against her cheek, crying in desperation.

"Camila, please. Don't leave me." She pleaded taking a hold of her arm. "I can't imagine my life without you. Without...without your smile, your eyes, and your heart. Your good heart."

Being unable to continue Lauren dropped to her knees and hugged Camila around her waist, crying harder.

Camila sniffled and took a deep breath. She knew she had to stay strong.

"Lauren, look at me." The doctor softly requested.

Slowly, Lauren raised her head. Camila's heart ached upon seeing those beautiful emerald eyes puffy and red. She bent down to be at Lauren's level and cupped Lauren's face with her hands.

"I love you, but I can't compete with this anymore, what you've become. It's stronger than us. Right now you have two loves in your life and you need to make a choice. When you figure out which one is more important, let me know."

Camila gave Lauren a soft kiss on her forehead and stand up, grabbing her suitcase and laptop holding her head high as she began to walk out of the room.

"Camz?" The basketball player whispered; her voice shaky. She heard her girlfriend's footsteps descending the stairs and her heart was breaking even more the further Camila was walking away from her.

Lauren quickly got onto her feet and ran out the bedroom looking over the railing. She saw the top Camila's head as she was reaching the second floor.

"Camz." Lauren called softly.

The brunette heard Lauren's heartfelt call, but refused to stop.

"Camila!" Lauren  called again.

The only response she received was the closing of the front door.


Hey guys! How's your summer break going?

Hope y'all get some tissues 'cause this story only has a few chapters left 🤧

So tell me, do you like happy endings or sad endings? I'll be reading y'all comments 👀

I'll be back

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