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Lily's pov
After an hour of cleaning I decided to go get ready for Harry's and I's date!
I put on a blue flowy dress that comes just below my knee and put on some white flats. I heard a knock on my door. So I opend it and in came one of their other "slaves"
"Hello miss, you look lovely" she said
Why thank you! I said back
"I came to take you to where Harry has set up your date but he doesn't know that I am doing this so let's go surprise him!" She smiled
"Alright" we walked down the halls of the castle until we got outside to the garden.
That's where I saw Harry I waved good bye to the "girl" and I saw her go back into the castle. I started walking toward Harry when all of a sudden somebody started dragging me away and that's when I started to scream...

"Unknown pov"
Wow is she ever beautiful. Isn't she guys! I looked at my friends and they nodded. She will be ours... Those so called "kings won't know what hit them. We started following her until we grabbed her and she started screaming.
3 person pov***
Harry started running toward lily when she saw that she was getting taken away by the 4 boys that he hated! They were the 4 kings that ruled another part of England. Harry cought up to them and got a hold of lily. "LET.HER.GO! Harry screamed at them.
Liam.louis,zayn and I were just chilling in the Thorne room when I heard something.
Guys!!! I yelled they all looked at me. "I think there is something going on outside!" We all got up out if our chairs and ran outside to see the four "kings" that we hated the most Bradley,Conner,Tristan and James who ruled the other part of England. They were dragging lily with them. "Hey!!!!" I yelled at them "let her go!" I just about got her leg when all of-a sudden they disappeared and toke lily with them.

Lily's pov
I found myself with in the middle of the woods with 4 boys who I had no IDEA who they were. "Who are you guys?" I whispered "your worst night mere" one said...

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