Chapter 4

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Hiccup's POV

The scythe just talked...THE SCYTHE JUST TALKED!!!! WHAT THE?!

"Y-you talk?" I suddenly stuttered, I was creeped out so much and it was very dark in this place.

"Ofcourse I talk I just said 'hi' didn't I?" It said to hiccup sarcastically.

"What are you?" I asked.

"I'm a scythe duh!? Can't you see that? but fine I'll explain to you much clearly, I'm a scythe but the one that is talking to you is a spirit so basically I'm a ghost scythe, just kidding! I'm a spirit of this weapon I'm the one that forged this weapon and first used it so when I died I got reincarnated into this so I'm here to help you with learning this scythe and also Nica-" He said, but I cut him off immediately when I heard Nica's name.

"Wait you know Nica?" I asked.

"Yeah and I'm here to explain to you why she is like that, she has anger issues and once somebody hurts her friends or loved ones this side of her tends to show up, she is very sensitive when it comes to her friends and loved ones because she had lost many of them and she can't risk losing another one, so we have to stop her before she kills your dad" He said.

"What do I call you?" I asked.

"Call me toothless I don't know why they call me that but I guess I got used to it and It became my most used name." Toothless said.

"How do we get out of this place?" I asked, while looking around.

"I got this." Toothless said, then my scythe glowed green and the darkness was all gone and we are in my room now.

I ran towards my father's room and opened the door, I saw my father laying in his bed still having nightmares I ran towards his side and called on Toothless.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"We will enter your father's dream and find Nica and stop her before she kills your father." Toothless said.

"Will we come back after?" I asked, I'm scared to go up against Nica but I have to do this for my father even though he didn't treat me right now and when I was still a child he is still my father so I have to do everything in my power to help him.

"Ofcourse we just have to calm her down, are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes." I said, without hesitating.

"Okay here we go!" Toothless said.

Normal POV

Hiccup and toothless just entered his father's dreams and there they saw Nica standing with her scythe raised in the air glowing. Then Hiccup ran to her as fast as he could.

"Nica stop this please! My dad didn't hurt me please stop!" Hiccup shouted to Nica, Nica looked around and faced Hiccup and toothless then she laughed like a maniac.

"I see you have met my buddy toothless over there, lets see what you can do with him in your hands!" She shouted back and started walking towards Hiccup and toothless.

"Wait what does she mean?" Hiccup asked.

"She is challenging you, if you win she will leave your father alone and stop the nightmare and if you lose then she will continue this until you know." Toothless said in a sad voice.

"Yeah I know so lets beat her in this fight she wants!" Hiccup said assuring he would win but this is death he is going up against he cant win this that easily.

"Yeah we can fight but I'm not sure if we can win this, I mean look at her she is scary she is powerful she is death I don't think we can win this." Toothless said, but hiccup wasn't going to give up on his dad.

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