Chapter 2

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Nica's POV

Did he just faint? I guess it was a little too much for him to take in pretty sure everyone would've had the same reaction when they realize they met death but it's not like it's a pretty huge deal... Well maybe it is for the human world but hey atleast he's the first one to meet me I'll just put him down on the mattress and wait for him to wake up.

I walk over to him and pick him up man he's pretty light like he hasn't eaten anything its like I'm lifting a new born baby jeez he really needs to eat, but he's really good at building things like this cave he really did a good job on building it.

I lay him down on the mattress and grab my scythe to go food hunting for this tiny human. I was walking out of the cove when suddenly I see a yak eating grass I think this would be good enough for the both of us I'm getting hungry also I ran towards the yak silently then I slashed my scythe on its head then it fell on the ground, I picked up the yak and brought it to the cave then I started to skin it.

Hiccup's POV

I woke up to the smell of yak stew, as I open my eyes I saw Nica cooking yak stew how can I tell? because gobber used to make it for me many times when I was a kid and he still makes it for me now when I request it to him.

"I see you're awake." Nica said, while stirring the stew. How can she tell that I was awake when she wasn't even looking at me.

"How can you tell I'm awake?" I asked, It's kinda creepy if you think about it.

"I'm death I can tell if you're awake or not." She said, oh yeah I remember now I'm dead.

"No, you're not dead." she said.

"Wait, you can read my mind?!" I shouted.

"Yup." She said proudly and smiled.

"Ok first of all don't take this as a joke, are you really death?" I asked, I hope I don't make her mad because if I do I'll be in big trouble if she really is death.

"Yeah, want me to prove it?" She said while still smiling, geez can't she stop smiling?

"Yeah sure why not its not like I'm gonna lose anything." I said

"Oh yeah you will lose something." She said, I look at her confused, what do I have to lose when she proves to me that she's death?

"You will lose the color of your face when I show you my real form." She said, wait what? real form?

Normal POV

Then out of nowhere black flames surrounded Nica fully and then their surroundings turned black Hiccup couldn't see anything but he saw a light it started to grow more bright and then brighter, then suddenly hiccup realized it wasn't light it was white flames Hiccup thought that flames were only orange color but there he saw black and white flames.

Then everything turned back to normal but Nica was gone Hiccup couldn't see her anywhere he started to look around but still couldn't find her but Hiccup feels like he's being watched by something, he turned around and saw a figure with a dark robe holding a large scythe pointing at him, the figure had no face it just had a skull inside the hood of the robe.

Just then the figure started laughing "Man you should've seen your face your reaction was priceless." The figure said. Hiccup looked at it confused

"Excuse me? Who are you?" Hiccup asked.

"Duhh. It's me, Nica, look let me show you." She said, black flames started to surround her again and when the flames disappeared Nica was back.

"You really are death! Wait, are you here to take me to heaven or hell? Oh gods please take me away from this miserable world" Hiccup kneeled and begged her, he started to have tears in his eyes.

"Hey don't cry jeez, first I'm gonna take you away but I'm now gonna kill you your time is not up yet." Nica said while helping Hiccup back on his feet.

Hiccup's POV

Wait, what does she mean by my time isn't up yet? Does she mean there is certain times when people die?

"What do you mean my time isn't up yet? Does my life have a time limit to it or something?" I asked

"Yes, your life has a time limit not just like a few minutes. It goes up to decades and it depends on how you take care of yourself let's take you for an example, you aren't eating for a week it reflects on your future it affects your organs and other things inside your body. Geez I'm becoming a doctor for explaining a lot about the human body" She said, why is she really kind to me? Isn't like death supposed to be mean or quick to anger or something?

"Wait you said you were gonna take me away but where are you going to take me?" I asked, I really want to get away from this hell hole of a tribe they don't even treat me right even my father doesn't treat me right.

"I'm going to take you away from your village because they don't deserve your presence or anything to be exact, you have very high potential hiccup you are a very important human to the gods that's why they sent me here to earth to take you away from your hell village and take care of you." She said.

"Are you sure you got the right person? Because I'm not special at all look at my body I can't even lift a normal sized sword how can I be special to the gods?!" I shouted, then Nica looked at me as if I just grew 2 heads.

"I'm sorry I raised my voice." I apologized. oh gods I just raised my voice at death I think she's gonna kill me now.

"No don't mind it, you're just stressed that's why you raised your voice I know you hiccup I've known you since the beginning." She said, why is she always so nice?

"Where are you planning to take me?" I asked her, she looked at me with a grin.

"We are going to find an island that suits you and from there you will build your own village to protect and you will be their chief, I must train you here first in order to survive outside of your village." she said, I looked at her surprised

"Wait? you're going to train me? I think I can't do it." I said, just normal dragon training I can't handle if death trains me then I'm gonna die because she will exhaust me to death.

"Oh don't be too nervous we will start from the basics I wont go too hard on you, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna take it easy on you." She said, but I'm still not sure if I can handle it.

"Okay I'm gonna try just because I don't want to live in this village anymore." I said

"Great! We're gonna start tomorrow morning here at the cove, don't be too early and don't be late just at the right time, or else I'm gonna kill you!" She said while she transformed to her original form, I kinda got scared of her because of the loud voice and the echo's but I think I can get used to being friends with death.

"O-Ok, hehehe so I can go now?" I asked, while pointing at the entrance of the cave.

"Yeah sure, why not just don't forget about tomorrow!' She said.

"I won't thanks for everything!" I shouted, while running towards the exit.


Sorry for the cringey story and for the other wrong grammar I'm not good at english neither at other subject at school sometimes I can't think of the word that I'm gonna put in the story HEHEHEHE thanks for reading stay tuned for the other chapters I think I'm gonna put more time in wattpad starting i don't know still thinking about it. and if you think that the story is kinda short please let me know. peace!

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