Chapter 1

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Hiccup's POV

I was walking through the village when someone blocked my way it was a bulky figure that bumped into me I know where this is gonna go.

"Hey watch where you're going useless!" Someone shouted, I already know who bumped into me. It was my bullies Snotlout, the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut and also Astrid and Fishlegs was here also he was just staying out of this He doesn't like fights.

"Sorry." I said and continued walking. Then Snotlout grabbed my arm.

"Hey where do you think you're going?" He said while gripping my arm tight.

"Umm... To the forest I guess?" I said while wincing, his grip on my arm was not getting loose.

"Don't sass me useless. Unless you want to get beat up again?" Snotlout warned

"It's not like I have a choice do I?" Hiccup said, but snotlout was furious. He pulled me and threw me into a side of a house, I groan in pain then I see them walking towards me then snotlout kicked me on my stomach, the twins also joined and kicked my face and shin.

Astrid and Fishlegs was there they were just watching me get beaten to a pulp I saw Astrid's eyes they were full of anger and I think I saw guilt in it? But I was just imagining things she's Astrid she hates me. Then her face was the last thing I saw before everything turned black.

Astrid's POV

Hiccup was full of blood his face his tunic that was once green was now dark red. He was unconscious yet they kept on beating him up I walk up to Snotlout and the Twins.

"Guys that's enough, he's already had too much." I said while stopping them.

"Why babe? Dont you like to see your man work?" Snotlout said while flexing his muscles.

"Eugh, shut up Snotlout!" I rolled my eyes and punched him square in the nose.

"Mom, Dad Astrid punched me it really hurts." Snotlout cried and then fell unconscious.

"Crybaby." I scoffed and turned around then I walked to Hiccup and helped him up.

"W-why?" Hiccup asked.

"I'm not doing this because im good with you, I'm doing this because I don't want to get in trouble." I said, I don't even know why I'm doing this I sjould just let him fall and leave him, but that would just be too far..... What am I thinking?

"You know you can just leave me here I dont want you to het in trouble with your friends and lose your reputation." Hiccup said, but I don't want to leave him here.... But he's right the guys might tell the village that I'm helping the fishbone.

"Fine suit yourself." I said as I dropped him and he fell on his face then just lied there. I kinda feel bad for him but I can't risk ruining my reputation I'm sorry Hiccup.

Hiccup's POV

Wow she just left me there like I'm just a piece of garbage, my head really hurts I picked myself up and limped all the way to my original destination the forest I really like coming here because it's my happy place I really like the quietness all I can hear are the leaves rustling and the birds chirping.

Then the place that I really like here the most is a cove that I called 'The Cove' get it? no? Ok. All i really do here is just laying down relaxing letting the forest take away all of my problems and I just lay there and relax.

I'am walking towards the cove when I hear the bushes near me rustle. "Who's there?" I asked. Then I hear footsteps behind me did someone find out where the cove is? if they did they will know my place and many people will go there I gotta go and hide. 

I was running and I feel like I was being chased by something I didn't really want to look back so I just kept on running till I reached the cove. By the time I reached the cove the sun was setting I think I'll just stay the night at my cave. I was walking towards my cave then I see something suspicious about it but I pay no mind to it because I'm the only one that knows about the cove and I've never brought anyone here. 

As I enter my cave I admire it's beauty 'Man I really did a good job' I said to myself wow self praise I sat down on my mattress where I sleep and think about what happened earlier. I pull out my tiny dagger that has my initials on it H.H.H.III vikings has a habit of putting their initials on their weapons, I then roll up my sleeve of my tunic and I then start cutting myself I don't really feel the pain anymore because of the many times that i had cut myself I had gotten used to the pain of being cut, I can't even count how many cuts I have on my arm and I really don't care I had gotten over the pain of being an outcast so much that it reached to a point that I don't really care about it anymore.

As I was cutting myself I hear footsteps on the dark part of the cave I rolled down my sleeve and I pointed my dagger towards the noise hoping that it would scare the source of the noise, A mysterious figure appeared it was A girl with a long dark robe covering her whole body and the hood of the robe covering her head and the rest of her face except for her nose and mouth and a long part of her hair was flowing down her body it was braided and it was a beautiful color that is pure red like the color of blood.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked, I'm gonna admit I'm a bit terrified of her and the fact that she just came out of the dark part of the cave without any signs of light.

"Who are you?" I ask again more sternly.

"Sheesh no need to get angry, My name is Nica. Pleasure to meet you Hiccup Haddock future chief of berk." She said while giving a smug grin.

"What are you doing here? H-how do you know me?!" I asked, OK now I'm super scared that's creepy that I just saw her and she already knows me.

"You know you're kinda small than what I expected" she said, while looking at me up and down.

"Yea-yeah I get that a lot sorry about that" I apologized, I really do get that a lot everybody thinks I'm big and muscular but I'm really just a scrawny little outcast boy living in a village.

"What are you apologizing for?" She asked, looking confused.

"I don't really know, I guess for being small?" I said.

"You know Hiccup you should really not apologize for something that you can't control the outcome of, for example you can't control the outcome of your growth, you can't control your body to grow big things like that shouldn't be apologized for because you can't do anything about it so therefore it's not your fault. I know you hiccup I've been watching over you for a long time now you don't need to vcut yourself to make the pain go away. There are many things to do to get rid of your problems not just through cutting yourself. I'm here to help you Hiccup are you willing to trust me to help you?" she says, as she held out her hand. Who is this girl? Why is she trying to help me? What have I done to make her like this? Is this a prank?.

"Is this a joke or a prank? Who really are you? You just came out of nowhere and now you want to help me? I gotta know you better first before I trust you, I'm not a person that can trust easily." I said. Who really is she? Is she a wizard?!

"Alright let's start from the beggining, I'm Nica, And I'am death." She says. I knew it I'm dead. Then everything turned black.

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