As she passed the hall, Althea noticed Jermaine's office door ajar. He reclined in his chair while yapping on the phone and for a second, his eyes met hers.

She shot him a glare before pushing Michael's door open.

"Hi baby," he greeted, flashing that heart-racing smile as he stood from his desk.

Althea set down the basket, squealing in delight as Michael pulled her close to him and bent down, kissing her sweetly.

"What a lovely surprise,"

Michael gave her waist a squeeze before she pulled away.

"I got carried away in the kitchen this morning and thought I'd bring you a nice hot lunch," Althea smiled as she rummaged through the basket, retrieving its contents.

Her husband rubbed his hands together in anticipation and she couldn't help but giggle at his excitement.

"Roast beef for you, ham for me, and a hot vegetable soup,"

Michael smiled as his wife sat his lunch in front of him, realizing how lucky he was to have such a caring partner.

"Thanks, sweetheart," he replied.

They talked while they ate and Althea found it nice to be able to spend time with Michael without the possibility of their intimate moments being filmed or photographed without their permission. However, another hot topic of concern had invaded her mind.

"Pamela told me about the barbeque this Friday," Althea started slowly as she picked up a pickle spear.

Michael glanced up from his cup of soup, his ebony eyes growing wide.

"That's Friday?"

A twinge of annoyance coursed through Althea's veins. Something told her that her husband was feigning ignorance.

"Did you forget? It's all the rage around the office. I hear that almost everyone who knows the Jacksons will be there and the prime rib is amazing," She retorted, mocking his secretary.

Her husband gently wiped the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, so?" Michael replied.

Althea scoffed.

"So why didn't you tell me? This is supposed to be a big family event and I had to find out from your secretary?" She snapped.

By the fiery gleam in her innocent-looking eyes and the way she bit her lip, Michael knew his wife was not happy.

"I didn't think we'd go," He shrugged. "I thought you wanted a break from the family for a while,"

The furrow of her brow softened. Sure, Michael and Althea had moved out of Hayvenhurst to get away from the Jacksons but she hadn't meant to excommunicate them.

"That doesn't mean we can't go, Mike. How do you think it's gonna look if all the whole family is there except us? Your mother hasn't even called. Don't you think she'd be surprised to see you?"

Michael sighed, knowing his wife was naive to his mother's manipulation. Her lack of invitation was only to guilt them into attending.

"If we go it's gonna be because you wanted to-not because Mother didn't call. Do you really wanna go, baby?"

"I'm not jumping for joy about it but I'm not against it either," Althea pouted.

Her husband chuckled.

"Alright, we'll go,"

His wife flashed her beautiful smile and leaned across the desk to kiss him.

"See, that wasn't hard now was it?" She asked.

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