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I'm currently feeding Kol outside looking into the forest when I hear someone from behind me, I look over to see it's Paul. I smile and he smiles back. I look down and see Kol has finished up eating, I pumped some milk earlier so Nicks feeding Tony in some other part of the house.

"Hey" I cover myself up and readjust Kol so that I can burp him, when he does it's a loud one and I chuckle.

"Huh" Paul says "guess he liked todays meal" I give him a look and he holds his hands up in surrender.

"Do you want to hold him?" I ask Paul who looks surprised

"Yeah, um I just don't know" I chuckle and go over to him.

"Here" I have him holding Kol, making sure he's supporting his head "like that"

"Wow" he says "I can't believe he and Tony were inside of you a few months ago and now their here"

"I know" nodding my head

"Have you ever thought of kids?" He asks and I raise my eyebrow at him "I mean, anymore. Like giving Tony and Kol a little sister or another brother?"

"Someday just not now" sternly saying, Paul laughs "not joking, if I can remember the painful moments of pushing these two out then it's too soon"

"Noted" he says, he holds Kol and I smile.

"Your a natural holding him" I say going over to lean my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry" he says shaking his head "but I can't get this out of my head"

"What?" I ask worried

"Your goddess blessed yet you were supposed to have become a tribrid like your twin" I nod my head "I have been wondering this for months now and I'm asking but, are you essentially immortal? What's the deal?"

"When Zeus had Hecate preform the spell" I vaguely remember since it was so long ago "he said that for me to activate the immortal gene of being a goddess where I am given a longer life I need to be very close to death"

"You were when James" he growls his name "tried to kill Bella"

"Yeah" nodding my head "I'll have to ask Inadu since she knows about this better but my gene was actually possibly activated before coming to this world"

"What?" Paul asks confused and angry "did someone try to kill you before?"

"It was when I was seven" I tell him "it was long ago"

"Please" he asks

"Your not going to like it" I tell him "but remember your holding a baby" he nods his head and I tell him how before meeting Inadu my dad tries to kill me.


"Hope!" I yelled, dad and his family had just returned. When I shake her awake mom comes in and sees me wake Hope up and she growls at me, her hybrid eyes showing.

"Aurora" snarling at me "what did I say about being near Hope?" My face falling into despair.

"Never to go near her" I say "I'm sorry Hayley" she smacks my face

"Just wait downstairs for us" she says and I leave, when I'm near the stairs I hear yelling outside.

"I don't want to meet her!" Some males voice I can hear "Hayley tells me she's reckless and dangerous"

"Niklaus" another male voice says "she your daughter"

"I'll only see Hope" soon I see Hayley and Hope come downstairs, when Hope sees me she smirks. Soon I follow them outside and we are met by five different people.

"Everyone this is Hope" Hayley introduces Hope, everyone looks at me "oh right, thats Aurora" disgusted by me is evident in her voice.

"Mom" Hope looks at Hayley "can I go play?" She asks

"Yeah sweetie" I see a guy with some facial hair look in Hopes direction, this must be Klaus.

"What are you still doing here?" Hayley growls and I just run inside, I know when I'm not wanted so I go to my safe space which is under the house. Years ago I found some lose boards in the basement and I opened it to find a panic room, I went inside and it's been my little escape room since Hope and Hayley hate me.

As I grab my sketch pad that Hope never uses and some pencils I sketch some flowers. "Those are good" I turn around and stare shocked and terrified that someone found me "don't worry" he closes the door and makes sure the entrance is hidden "I'll keep your secret safe, I'm your uncle Kol"

"Aurora" I whisper still terrified, he just sits down on one of the pillows I found in the basement.

"Nice to meet you" he gets himself comfortable "why does Hayley think your an 'out of control beast', as she likes to put it?"

"Ever since I was born Hayley never loved me, she only saw it in her heart to love Hope" I tell him sadly "Hope when she does something bad like break a vase she blames it on me and then Hayley would get angry at me" I hold my stomach remembering the beating I got from when I dropped a plate on accident.

"May I?" He asks when he sees me hold my stomach, I nod my head and I show him the bruises that are still healing "here" he bites his wrist and offers me his blood "don't worry" so I go and take the blood and drink some before pulling back. I look down and the bruises are fading.

"Don't worry" he tells me pulling me into a hug "as long as I live I'll protect you" I cry into his shirt softly as he rubs my back. Why can't he be my dad.

Time skip

When I get ready for bed, I look at the painting I painted of us. Me, Klaus, Hayley and Hope. Us as a family. Then I feel pain and look to see Klaus up here, I stay in the attic since Hayley thinks if I have my own room near Hope I'll end up harming her.

"Stay away from me and my family" he growls and I see his hybrid eyes, I nod my head. Then he grabs my throat and chokes me "words"

"I promise" I gasp out and he nods but then slams my head so hard onto one of the dressers before leaving me on the floor blood coming from my head. Then everything goes black, I feel this warm feeling from inside me bubble up and the pain I get went away.

Memory ends

"Inadu theorized that's my immortality was activated then" I tell him, Paul just listens and it's evident that he is livid "the only one from my family who cared for me was my uncle Kol and my older brother Marcel, Uncle Kol told Marcel what happened and Marcel understood since he's been on the receiving end of Klaus's or another Mikaelson's anger" wiping the tears that came to my eyes "it's in the past, it's why Inadu and I left" Paul just walks inside then, oh god did I scare him off? I look down sad but soon I'm pulled into someone's arms, I look to see it's Paul's.

Aurora CullenWhere stories live. Discover now