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"So here are the plans" I show my coven "the supplies will be here within the next two weeks, when it does" soon my phone rings and I answer it "Hello"

"Rory" I hear Bella, she does not sound good

"Hey Bella how's your honey moon" I set the phone down and out her on speaker "oh I'm putting you on speaker okay by the way"

"Sure" she says "I need you and your covens help" we looks to each other confused


"This is going to sound crazy" she tells us "but...I'm pregnant" we all go silent hearing this.

"I'm sorry Bella" Angela says "but did you just say"

"I'm pregnant" good thing I have a silencing bubble around us "I don't know how"

"Well you do know how" Demetri says "I mean it takes two to tango"

"Look I've talked to Rose and she's going to help but Edward" we hear her choke "he wants Carlisle to get rid of it" we just stay in silence

"Why?" Nick asks "is the baby killing you?"

"Yes" she sighs "I'm only a few weeks pregnant but it's growing very fast"

"How fast?" I ask

"I can feel it moving in me" we stare at each other "Rory? Is there a spell you or Inadu can do?"

"I don't know" I tell her "me and Inadu will look but there are only spells for miss carriages and acceleration spells" both were used on me and Hope before we were born.

"I have to go" she tells us "please help me" she hangs up then.

"What do we do?" I ask my coven "I want to help Bella any way I can—has there been a record of this happening?"

"Never" Jane tells us

"Is it possible?" Angela asks "I mean Elena and I are proof that there are female werewolves, Rory and Inadu here are proof that gods exist and other universes"

"I guess" Felix sighs "but if there is, then it went unnoticed by the Volturi"

"Aro would have moved to have such a thing killed" Alec adds "to him it would have been unknown, he'd first study it and if the thing didn't want to join"

"He'd have it killed" Jane finishes

"It's your choice" Corin tells me "what do we do?"

"I think we should help Bella" I tell them "if it was conceived like any other child then it's a child, but if whatever is growing in her is more like an immortal child when it's born we need to kill it" they nod their heads but Angela, Bree and Riley looks horrified.

"Kill it?" She asks, we look at Bree "how will you tell if it's an immortal child?"

"Immortal children are like us" Demetri tells her "but the age they turn is the age they stay at, we'll explain more later but if the child is born with red eyes and no heartbeat then it's an immortal child"

"And if it isn't?" Leah asks "Bella says she can feel it already"

"She sounded really sick" Corin adds "let's just wait for when Bella gets home, when she does that will determine whether the thing should be destroyed" we nod our heads.
One Week Later

"Did you find anything?" Inadu asks

"No" shaking my head, Inadu and I have been looking for spells to help Bella while the males in my coven look for something related to what's growing inside of Bella.

Bree, Corin, Jane, Leah and Angela have been helping keep Bella safe. Mom is with Bella rubbing her very pregnant stomach, Inadu and I made a potion to see if mom could have a kid and now she's pregnant so the potion worked.

Unfortunately when we found out Bella was pregnant we had to put on pause moms good news because of this. Edward was livid when my coven sided with Bella to keep whatever is growing inside of Bella alive.

"Hey Inadu?" Demetri asks, she looks at him "when you were in the room didn't you crave power? Even after you were born?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Alice asks, all of us confused.

"Your elders" Demetri adds as we look at him "your birth mother focused on her needs while the elders focused on yours right?"

"What are you getting at?" Felix asks

"You may be right" Edward plainly says from the corner

"What?" Grandpa asks

"We've been focusing on what Bella needs" he says "we haven't considered what the thing"

"Baby" Mom corrects

"Needs" we all look at Demetri who shrugs his shoulders

"He's thirsty" Bella's convinced she's carrying a boy. Luckily my coven isn't hungry unlike the Cullens who haven't hunted.

"I know the feeling" Emmett adds

"Guys?" Angela says "Charlie's here" we look and yeah he's here with a worried expression on his face "he must think Bella has been turned"

"I'll go" Grandpa says "does he have any weapons on him?"

"None that I can see" Nick adds, soon we hear our babies cry and I go up to them. When I do I smell something awful, they must need a change.

When I'm finished changing the boys I hear Charlie yell "I'm going to kill you!" Shaking my head I bring the boys since the door was cracked a bit. When I head downstairs I see Nick take Charlie outside, he's probably about to shift and we hear cracks.

"So who told Charlie about Bella?" I ask, said girl raises her hand.

"I guess I should have waited" she jokes but no one's laughing.

"I brought the kids" showing them "who wants to hold them?" I ask, Esme and Corin come over and takes the babies. "But we need to test that blood theory" looking around the room "I have a whole freezer full of blood bags" the Cullens all look at me "what? Ever heard of snacks?"

"It's also so that if one of us doesn't want to hunt a human" Jane adds

"I'll get some" Riley goes to where we keep our blood bags, soon he comes back with some A positive blood.

"Wait" Grandpa says leaving before coming back with a styrofoam cup and clear straw "put it in this" mom has been drinking straight from a blood bag because we know she needs blood to survive.

"Jasper" Alice takes Jasper out of the room, Emmett and Felix head out to keep Jasper in line. We don't need him or his alter ego the Major coming out.

"Here" Grandpa hands Bella the cup, she looks at it for a moment before taking a sip. We all watch as she drinks it and sighs.

"It tastes" she looks at us "good" my coven vampires chuckle.

"Her pulse is getting stronger" grandpa checks it, I notice Edward smile for the first time in a long time.

Soon I get a phone call and see who it's from. When I do my face pales, Paul.

Aurora CullenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora