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When we get back home in Forks, Jane is beside me our arms linked as we head inside. When the others saw her I stand in front of her protectively "she is under my protection" I say "she won't cause trouble"

"Rory is right" Edward tells them "Jane has no wish to harm or do anything of the sort" he dropped Bella off before coming here and now he's leaving.

"What happened?" Carlisle asks, so we told him everything and how I basically threatened the lives of those in the Volturi. Then the offer Inadu and I gave to Jane which she took.

"I want a family" Jane tells them "people who don't fear me, the Volturi just see me as a pawn and not a person" everyone gives her pity glances "I just want to be seen as a person, not a pawn"

"Then Rory and Inadu were right to offer you this" Esme goes to Jane and gives her a motherly hug "no one should feel like a pawn"

"Don't tell Edward" I tell everyone when Edward is gone "but I unlinked him and Bella to Aro and his mate Sulpacia" they all look surprised "what? Aro will never know"

"I won't tell" Jane says when everyone looks at her "it'll be fun watching how Aro reacts, he's probably trying to find a witch who can help him" we laugh. Just to be certain I put a block on their minds so that Edward doesn't know about the unlinking.

Soon Edward comes back but with Bella with him, he stands on the staircase pained.

"You all know what I want" she says to us "and you know how much I'm asking for, the only thing I can think of to make things fair" she stutters "is to vote"

"Bella you don't" Edward says pained, he probably knows what everyone is thinking.

"Shut up" she cuts him off and I laugh, Jane smiles when she does this. Then she turns to Alice "Alice?"

"I already consider you my sister" she goes and hugs Bella. "So yes"

"Jasper?" We look at his stiff form, I put on a permanent block so that he can choose to sense what emotions he's feelings.

"Thank you Rory" he looks at me, his southern expression out he looks to Bella "it would be nice not to want to kill you all the time so yes"

"I'm sorry" We look at mom "I want to say thank you for saving Edward from my mistake, but I wouldn't have wished this life upon anyone. And if someone gave me a vote I would have said my answer is no"

"I vote hell yeah" Dad goes to Bella and picks her up in a bear hug and twirls her around "we can pick a fight with these Volturi some other way" looking at Jane "I don't see you as a member of the Volturi, since my daughter took you from them"

"I already consider you as family" grandma says "so yes" she offers a smile.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Edward complains to grandpa who walks towards him.

"You've chosen to live without her" grandpa tells Edward "I won't lose my son again" Edward just nods his head.

"Rory?" Bella asks, everyone looks at me "what about you? Also Inadu, what's her opinion on this?"

I vote yes I smile plus we can try that cure spell so yeah nodding my head "Inadu voted yes and so do I, we consider you as family"

"Jane?" Bella asks "as the newest Cullen"

"Sure" she nods her head "you have my vote" yeah! Now the only problem which I'm pretty sure will be that wolf, Jacob Black.
Third Person POV

"Like Rory said" Bella talks to Edward in the car as he takes her home "I'll wait till after graduation" Edward is pained that she's choosing to become like them, but he soon stops the car when he hears Paul and Jacob are on the road.

"He wants to talk to me" Edward hears Jacob's anger towards him while he hears the pain and regret Paul is going through thinking of Rory. Paul and Jacob soon go into the woods, Bella and Edward soon follow.

When they stand Bella is in front of Edward, her arms crossed "so your still alive for now?" Jacob is pissed not only was his title as potential alpha stripped, but also he's been ordered to not be alone with Bella at all. Paul stands as a chaperone not liking it, but he wants to know how Rory is doing. He wants to apologize and everything, he knows that she might not see him so he has a letter for her.

"He thinks it's me keeping you away" Edward tells Bella and this pisses Jacob off even more. He's very close to phasing.

"You stay the hell out of my head" Jacob orders

"I just want to say" Edward tells Jacob "thank you for keeping Bella safe when I couldn't"

"No" he scoffs "you didn't and it wasn't for your benefit, trust me"

"Well I'm still grateful" even though Edward is biting down on his anger hearing how Jacob is thinking of Bella being better off with him. "I'm here now and I'm not going to leave her side unless she orders me too" Edward hears how Jacob is begging Bella to do that right now.

"Cullen" Paul grabs the letter and holds it out to him "I don't know what Rory is thinking, but after our last encounter she probably doesn't want to see me" Edward hears how the letter is for Rory "I want to talk to her face to face but she might not want to, this letter is for her. Can you make sure she gets it, I understand if she doesn't want to read it but"

"I'll give it to her" Edward reassured him "I want to apologize to you, Rory did plan on telling you that day. She wanted to for a long time but she couldn't and she didn't want to tell you over the phone" Paul nods his head in understanding.

"Hey!" Jacob yells "it's my turn to talk, I" Paul coughs "we came to remind you of a key point in the treaty"

"I haven't forgotten" Edward says smiling on the inside about the key point but Bella is confused.

"What key point?" She demands

"If any of them bites a human" Jacob keeps his eyes on Edward thinking of the ways he can kill him "the truce is over"

"But if I choose it has nothing to do with you" Jacob snaps his head to her, Paul sighs knowing that this is going to be a situation.

"No" shaking his head "no, I'm not going to let you. Your not going to be one of them Bella"

"What are you going to do?" Paul jokes "kidnap and imprison her, keep her away from everyone she loves and cares about so that she stays human? If Bella wants to be one of them let her, Sam will allow it since she is asking for that life"

"You stay out of this" Jacob growls at him then looks back to Bella "you know what we'll do to you, I won't have a choice"

"Bella please come" Edward grabs her arm not wanting to be here anymore

"Is he going to hurt me?" Paul sees Bella is going to break Jacob's heart, she walks over to him "I'm sorry Jake but it's been's always been him"

"Bella" Jake looks into her eyes not believing her.

"Let's go Bella" Edward comes between them and was about to grab Bella but Jacob stops him and pulls Bella to him.

"No! You don't speak for her" just then Edward throws Jacob off of Bella, just then he phases into a wolf.

"Enough!" Paul stands in front of Jacob as Bella yells "stop! You can't hurt each other without hurting me"

"Jacob leave" Paul orders "now" with one last glance Jacob runs away, Paul turns to the couple "Sam will want to know when you plan on...changing her"

"After graduation" Bella tells Paul who nods his head "so that dad won't worry too much, plus there won't be as many questions" Paul just looks at Edward hoping Rory will read the letter.

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