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"What did I say about beauty sleep?" Alice demands Bella, everyone is outside. Rosalie, Alice and I are her bridesmaids. I'm already dressed in my purple dress, my hair is in a bun and I have some simple makeup with purple eyeshadow.

"Sorry" Bella whispers "bad dream"

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"Sorry" Bella whispers "bad dream"

"Hopefully nothing related to wedding jitters" I joke, she laughs lightly

"No" assuring me "a bit but nothing to worry about" Rosalie soon comes in.

"Need some help?" She asks surprising Bella "I could do her hair"

"Really?" Bella asks as Alice nods her head.

"Please" going to her she does Bella's hair "I'm not offended by your choice of groom"

"Just my blatant lack of respect for mortality" she says

"Essentially" she agrees

"Weddings" Alice pulls us in for a hug "they bring everyone together"

"Alice! Bella!" We hear Bella's mom call for her.

"In here mom" we see Renee come in all excited and happy, this will be her last chance to see Bella unless if Bella and Edward decide to visit her and Phil.

"Oh my gosh" she squeals "your so beautiful" smiling "crap my mascara" Alice hands her a handkerchief "thanks" she dabs her eyes before calling out "Charlie get in here" he soon comes in warily with a box.

"I'm going to make sure everything is in order" I tell everyone, I want to be there but I'm reminded of the family I wish was here but isn't.

When I go outside I see Paul and go to him smiling "hey" we kiss "I thought you couldn't make it till the reception?"

"Got done with what Sam needed from me" I nod my head, I see Nick and Angela come over with the twins "how are my boys?"

"Paul and I are doing fine" Nick comments, Angela and Paul laugh at the fake glare I give him "oh you mean the babies, their okay"

"For one month olds" Angela says "their extremely good babies"

"Why thank you" Nick says in a squeaky voice holding baby Tony "me and Kol try our best" we laugh as Nick does this "we're going to put the boys in their room, don't want to upstage the bride by their adorableness"

"Alright" nodding my head they soon go away, as they go I listen in to Mike Newman, Jessica Stanley and Eric Yorkie.

"What are you doing?" Paul asks

"Listening in on some teens" I tell him "I'm curious" then I see Jessica wave us over "we are being summoned" we walk over to them.

"Hey Jessica" smiling at her

"Hey Rory" coming over we hug "who was that with Angela?"

"That was Nick" I tell her

"Seems a bit old for her" Eric mentions "whose kids were those anyway?"

Aurora CullenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora