Love Story

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Someone said, "A life without love is kind of a flat life," and it was totally true. Love is not always about a girl and a man, but also how we love each other. But the memories brought me back to my past. I had a relationship with my classmate, and before that, I had a lot of problems because of my friends who forbade me, and I don't know the reason why. And I laughed at my love story because it sounded awkward, as like a love story in a film.

His name is Ryan. He was quite tall and he really liked playing football. I have been crushing on him for a long time, but he was not. He crushed at another girl, and at the time, I gave up because I thought it was really hard to make him be mine. But I don't know why he sent a message when I finished reading a book. At the time, I did not know that it was him because I had already deleted his contact. But then, we had communication with each other for a long time, and all of my friends didn't know it except Icha and Rachel.

A few months passed by, we had a teacher entertainment event, and he sat with our homeroom teacher. At the time, they have small talked to each other. After that, our teacher namely Mrs. Laura, questioned him about his girlfriend, but he said that he didn't have it.

"How about crush? Are you crushed at someone?" Mrs. Laura asked

"Nope, Ma'am." But Mrs. Laura kept asking back the same question, and finally, he told the truth that he had crushed on me. In a nutshell, we had dinner together, and then we made a circle by holding friends' hands. Suddenly, Mrs. Laura called him to come hurriedly, and then, he joined the circle. After that, she held his hand and put him beside me.

Oh my goodness! I was taken aback. All of my classmates shouted loudly at both of us.

Lub-dub. . . Lub-dub. . .

My heartbeats have become faster. It was not because of him standing next to me, but I saw George and William were staring at me and questioned something. Icha, who knew Ryan and my story was also become afraid because of the way they looked at me. But I tried to calm down myself.

When the event was done, I ran away as fast as I could so that they would not question that. But at the time, Icha asked me to accompany her to one of our teacher's home. I was shaking my feet and prayed that Icha could finish her business hurriedly. But it did not happen. George saw me from a distance, and he told William. They whispered to each other, I thought they were arranging some sort of plan so that they could talk to me.

"Icha. . . Hurry up!" I said silently

"Yes, wait for a sec!"

I noticed George taking a step ahead of me, and yeah. Firstly, he asked about other business while he waiting for William and then, William came in.

"Come on, Angel. I have done!" Icha said, and she was surprised that two of them had sat with me. I just stared at Icha and I hope she could help me. But she is unable to do so.

"Can we ask something, Angel? It will not take a long time." William asked.

Puff. . . I sighed and said, "Yes."

"Do you have any relationship with Ryan?"

"Nope. . ."

"Are you sure?"


"So, why did Mrs. Laura make both of you hold hand with each other?"

"I don't know"

And I really tried not to tell them about it. Suddenly, my friend, namely, Manto, came to us and asked all of us to go home because he was disciplining staff of students association and William asked him to let us talk for a few minutes, but I made eye contact with him so that he could dismantle us and I was safe for my life.
"You may make a phone call, right? So, please go home. Mr. Donny will be angry at me if you're still here."

Then, we rushed back to our home, and Manto followed us behind. We separated at the gate, and William said he would make a phone call to me. When I arrived at home, I showered to calm me down. That night, I was not relieved and I chatted them through messanger with Icha and Rachel about this. They also tried to calm me down by sharing jokes and something like that. and I was relieved because William had not called me. As a result, I could sleep well.


The next day has come, and I hope I can breathe well today. I went to school and took a seat. William was greeted me and I welcomed him.

Bing bong. . . Bing bong. . .

The bell of the school was ringing. It means class will start and we have to go outside and line up. I saw William was sideward glanced at Ryan and I could see he really didn't like him. After that, we prayed and came into the class again. The teacher that taught us was Mrs. Laura. When she explained the lesson, she gave an example using our names, Rayn and I. Everyone shouted loudly again, same like yesterday.

I was scared and heart-thumping. I could feel someone staring at me from behind. Then, I looked behind me and William was smirking at me. I looked down, and my heartbeats were faster. I don't want William and George to pry on my love story. Then, I also heard them mumbling behind me.

Puff. . . By looking at this, Icha held my hand and smiled at me. At the time, I was a bit calm.

Bing bong. . . Bing bong. . .

The school's bell rang and it was time for break time.

"I'm starving. Do you have money, Icha?"


By hearing this, George answered my questions.

"Money? Yes, I have. I will pick up the tab. I will treat you. You may go ahead first to the canteen." George said.

"Seriously? Come on, Icha. Let's go to the canteen!" I asked.

But Icha was not interested, and Nia went back home.

Then, Rachel and I went to the canteen first happily. When George and William arrived at the canteen, they asked me to pick what we wanted. Then, we ate the snack and had a small talk. After that, William questioned the same question again, and finally I said, "Yes, I have a relationship with him, but I am not be his girlfriend yet."

They were confused about why I had a relationship with him. Then, he asked me other questions, such as how long we had a relationship. And they were surprised because it had already taken a long time.

Then, I became afraid because of the way they looked at me, like a hawk. I held Rachel's hand and then Rachel asked, "Can you give her a reason why she cannot have a relationship with him?" but they didn't give any reason. It was still a big question for me until now. Suddenly, Rayn and his friends came to the canteen. Then, William asked us to go back to class because the snack had also been eaten and maybe because of Rayn's presence in the canteen.

When I arrived at class, I stared at Icha, and she noticed that there were bad things happening to me and she just shook my head. The school's bell rang again, and we continued our class. I was uncomfortable with this situation and my heartbeat thumped as if it was abnormal.

The next day had comeand I had not come to school because I felt under the weather. Then, George andWilliam asked Icha and Rachel why I had not come, and they said I was sick. Buttheir response was just to say, "Oh, OK!" I thought they did not care about me.

DiaFriend (Diary of Friend) The Unforgettable StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum