First Performance with Friends

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Now, I am writing this because I want to capture the moment for my first performance with my friends. As we promised, we met at the church at 08:00 a.m. for rehearsal. I woke up at 05:00 a.m. and helped my mommy and grandma cook in the kitchen. In my family culture, every Saturday would be a special day because it's the weekend and worship time. So, mommy and grandma cooked a special menu.

In about fourty-five minutes, we cooked in the kitchen, and we had breakfast. After that, I got my towel for the shower. The waterfall of the shower cleans the soap off my body. I'm all clean! I changed my clothes into black-white dress, and put on my make up. I went to church by myself. The church was in the school, and I arrived at 07:50 a.m. I noticed my friends had arrived, then we rehearsed until 08:30 a.m. After that we took a seat in the front row.

I saw all the people come. One person, three people, five, until the church is full of people. Suddenly, I was nervous. My heartbeat was really fast and I started to sweat. Then, Nia looked at me.

"Why are you sweating? It's not really hot because we are close to the air conditioner. Should I ask someone to turn the volume up?"

"No, no, no. I am just a bit nervous."

Nia gaped, and surprised because she didn't expect it. After that, she asked me to take big, deep, slow breaths right down in my belly,

In... Out...

Huff... Puff...

I felt better at the time. Then, I prayed so that God would be with us.

After some minutes went by, it was time for us to sing a song that we had practiced. I held my microfone and suddenly my body shook. Then, Niara held my back and our song went well.

Praise God! God answered our prayer. We down-staired and immediately prayed outside. After that, we went back to our seats and continued worship. Time flies so fast, the worship ends and we hand-shake with the participants. Suddenly, Rachel called George and asked him to forgive her. Ha-ha. Actually, I saw Rachel always flashing her apologetic looks at George during worship. And I was really happy that they had become friends again.

"Hooray! Let's have lunch at my grandma's house. My mom and my grandma had prepared a special menu."

"Yay! Come on! Hurry up! Do not waste a free lunch!" William screaming happy.

Then, we walked ahead together. After we arrived at home, my boy friends were talking with my grandma while we were served lunch, and then we had lunch. We enjoyed our Saturdate lunch. Angwyn was eating like a horse. He was taking a triple portion.

"ANGEL! Why does my plate always leak? It makes me taking the next portion." Angwyn said while spooning some rice.

Then, my grandparents laughed out loud. Meanwhile, Mommy hadn't had lunch yet because she had a video call with Daddy.

Meanwhile, Niara ate like a bird until I got bored listening to my grandma beg her to add her portion. I was surprised that Jadi spent lots of time eating. Meanwhile, Rachel wolfed the lunch down and started on the dessert. Haha. They were so unique. After that, Mommy called me to talk with Daddy. Daddy said, he would come to Batam next week from Bandung. After that, Daddy asked about my school life. He was curious about it, especially about having a boyfriend. Meanwhile, I don't have boyfriend yet. I told him about my new school and my friend.

"Uh, dad! They are here!"

"Show them to me, please!"

Daddy greeted them,and they welcomed Daddy's greeting. After delivering a short message, we took apicture. This is the greatest moment ever. I hope our friendship will last a longtime.

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