My First Day at School

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"Brrring... Brrring..."

At 06:00 a.m., the alarm clock screamed at me. He was announcing the first day of school. It feels like a jarring wakeup after a summer of sleeping in or doing things on my own time. I'm Angel, and I'm a freshman who's a little worried about facing a too-confident senior. Yeah! New classes, new teachers, new schedules, and a new social scene. And this is my first day of school.


Actually, I'm a newcomer and I don't know what school was like. When I'm graduated from junior high school, daddy asked me to school in Briliant Callista School.

"Angel, hurry up!" The shouts from my grandma made me hurry to take a shower.

"I'm all clean!"

Then, the antique khaki with the box motif dressed me up, I combed my hair, I sprayed the sweet and very powerful perfume on me, and I put on glasses. And it's time to go to school.

"Come on, grandma! I have done!"

"Nope! You should have breakfast first!"

I looked at some yummy toast with a glass of milk that was prepared on the table for my breakfast.

"OK! Let's go!" I said, while the last bite of toast was still in my mouth. Grandma took me to school. The school was just 200 meters from my grandma's house and was really big, with the best panoramic view. I can see there are junior high school students there too. They paced down to the field for the ceremony and were really noisy. The noise of talk and laughter was uproarious.

As usual, the first day of school would be opened with a flag ceremony. Then, grandma just leaves me alone and I have to ask someone randomly where the grade X line is. But it made me have a new friend. She is quite tall and slim, has yellowish-brown skin, and she is a talkative girl. She always sang when she was happy, until now. Her name is Rachel.

Then, came the time for separate classes, and we were finally in the same class again! That is XC. I was on cloud nine because I already had one friend. Then, we walked together to the classroom, and I could not believe that I was finally reunited with my old friend, Angwyn. He was my childhood friend when we were in primary school. His face is still the same as before, very handsome. That is why all the girls in this school can't take their eyes off of him until it feels like their eyes will pop out of their heads. Then, we took seats, talked, laughed, enjoyed.

Suddenly there was a boy who came into our class. I know him! If I'm not mistaken, he was a boy who always disturbed me during exams when I was in primary school. He was coming closer to us, and yeah! That was him! It made me really uncomfortable in that class. I really got bent out of shape over him. And I think Rachel and I had the same feeling, because one side of her mouth was raised and she was looking away. I also could not believe that he was my classmate. William. That is his name.

Lots of people said that he was a multitalented boy. When he plays the piano, his fingers move like a squirrel on the piano keys. But, I was not interested. He kept talking and talking.

Five minutes... Ten minutes...


I'm getting bored. I started to look around, and I stared right at the girl who sat in the corner of the class. She was playing with her pen while she rested her chin on the table. I walked slowly towards her and saw a beautiful pen-and-ink, simple and well-defined.

"Wow...! I'm amazed!"

She lifted her chin and gazed into my eyes. She looked at me with her sharp eyes, and I haltingly greeted her, "H-h-hi! Y-y-your drawing is so b-b-beautiful!"

She was just silent and continued her drawing.

But ok, I will greet you tomorrow and ask your name.

After that, I came back to Rachel, and yeah, when I noticed her, William was still talking and Rachel was staring right at her phone, scrolling through social media. After a couple of minutes I left them, the other boys came into the discussion, not only Angwyn anymore, and they kept attention.

In a short while, the teacher came. My teacher's name was Mr. Zayn, and he was our homeroom teacher. Then, we had introduction time. One by one, all the students were called to the front.

One...five...ten...twenty... It's her turn, the girl who's sat in the corner of the class.

"Ok, go on, Nia!" said our teacher.

"My name is Niara. I graduated from the junior high school of this school also. Pleased to meet you."

Ooo... Her name is Niara. I finally knew her name.

"Just so you know, Niara is a child of Mr. Sinc, the lecturer of the economic faculty. She is good at art, especially music. She really mastered in playing piano." My teacher told.

Wow! I'm not wrong to admire someone, and I can hardly wait make friends with her. I said it again in my heart.

Thirty... and thirty-one... I was the last person.

"I'm Angel, and I graduated from Altavia School in Bandung. That's all about me. It's great to meet you." I introduced myself to everyone. And yeah, there are thirty-one students in my class.

Then, we chose a class president. Some people vote for themselves, in the same way, they vote for others. Nutshell, the class president was elected. He is quite tall and thin. Then, I noticed him because of his unique name. His name is Jadi Mulya. I had never heard that name before. That is why I tried to talk to him, and he was a quite silent boy, but he was good at guitar and violin.

"Wow! Amazing! There are three people in this class that have a talent for music, Rachel, and I love to sing! Will we spend time singing and singing? Ha-ha! That sounds weird!" muttered me.

Well, I saw everyoneenjoying the first day of school, and they all looked like kind people. Mostimportantly, I made four new friends that caught my attention. Thank you, God.My first day of school was not as bad as I thought, and I will go back to thisschool tomorrow. This is where my schoolday begins... July 14th at Briliant Callista School, Batam.

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