Why It's Monday Again?

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Mommy sat in the living room and read a book while she slurped the coffee with the whistle sound of the bird. Comfort, relaxed. Suddenly, mommy was annoyed when she heard a thumping noise overhead and the thud of me coming down the stairs.

"Thud... Thud... Thud"

I went back and forth, busy trying to find something.

"Mom! Do you see my hat?"

"There! On the bookshelves"

"Nothing, mom!"

Then, Mommy found and gave it to me with a sharp look. I don't know why, but when mommy tries to find it, what I search for she can find.

"Mwah. . . Good bye Mommy!" I kissed her cheek, waved, and ran.

I ran as fast as I could, because I was late. I put my bag at the security post and went to my class line. When the flag ceremony was in progress, the discipline teacher staff, namely Mr. Donny who's taught physics subject, walked behind all the lines to look at those who were not wearing complete uniforms, but he brought scissors with him. I don't know what it's for. He had walked through the junior high school and done it. The seniors and juniors have done it, and now it's the freshmen's turn. I was relieved because I wore the complete uniform. Now, he stepped ahead to my class, on the men's line. He began with the last person in a line. The first, is that someone forgot to bring their hat and necktie. Suddenly, he lifted up the hat that Sebastian was wearing. He took the comb from his pocket and combed his hair while he scissored Sebastian's hair.


I gawked at the time. I was really surprised. The hair fell down, and his foot was full of his hair. All the people stare at him. He was really shy. He downed and didn't look forward to it. All day long, he wore a hat, but the teacher always asked him to put the hat away. Then, he always asks for permission to go to the toilet just to wet his hair so that it seemed like a good haircut. Everyone laughed. I almost did, too, but I tried to not do it.

And snack time has come. I came closer and talked to him, trying to calm him down, and others came to him also. I think he felt better. Then, the teacher cames and we continued our class again, and Sebastian sat beside us. We became close friends.

Ma'am Naura said, "Niara, are you and your friend who are singing on Saturday?"

Niara nodded, andMa'am Naura praised our performance, because we did well. My friend and I werevery happy because our song had gotten a good response from others.

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