Clean Slate

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It wasn't very long ago that he approached me. It was our first real conversation since the Incident. And until then, I actually believed I was okay. You know? I wasn't nervous all the time anymore, I could actually speak without a stutter, life was good.
Then he approached me, and all of that fear came flooding back.
He said, and I quote, "Look I've been feeling really guilty about what happened, and I'm not sure why because I don't really think it was either of our faults. Do you think maybe we could start over with a clean slate?"

And it was the way he said it, more than the words he used, that scared me. Because I knew, from the tone of his voice, that he wanted me to forget what happened and just continue spending time with him as if nothing changed.

I said yes. What else could I say? If I said no, he'd probably kill himself.

I went back to stuttering.
I went back to avoiding eye contact during the rare occasions I'd speak to people.
I went back to flinching at the slightest thing.
I went back to how I was after him.
And now I'm stuck.

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