⌛️Out Of Time pt 1⌛️

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We are finally off the plane and at the house.
"Okay, why don't we all get some rest and regroup for dinner?" Cleo looks around the room

"I was actually gonna go to a little restaurant for a few hours, if that's okay with you?" I say

Honestly anything is better than being around Jahseh, and at least I'd have some time write in my journal

"Okay. Just share your location with me. And make sure you're back in 2 hours, so you can get ready for dinner."

"Okay" I smile and hug her tightly "I will, promise"

Jahseh's eyes swirl with intrigue as he sees me grab my purse. I shut the door and walk down the steps.

That kiss makes me feel like I betrayed Cleo. She has been nothing but nice to me and that kiss was a slap in her face. I can't let that happen again.

I open the door to the cafe and sit in a dimly lit corner with a booth seat. I pull out my journal and start scribbling the first words that come to mind.

"Is it worth the lie?
Roll the dice;
Play with price;
Trusted with a stone;
Now you hid the truth and took it home
How can you think no one will ever know?
I cannot undo what I have done
I can't un-sing a song that's been sung
I fear I will carry this lie until it breaks my heart."

A waiter comes over to the table
"Hi, what can I get you?

"Hi, I would like a BLT and a iced green tea."

He writes my order down and gives it to the cook.

"Yeah I think she might be cool." I hear from another side of the restaurant

Two people approach the table and sit down.

I close my journal and greet them. They seem polite so there's no reason to be rude.

"I'm Albert, and this is Genesis." The girl beside him waves and smiles politely

"We came over here because we think you're cool and we wanna be friends." The girl blurts out

"Nice going, Gen. now we sound like stalkers." He turns to me " We figured you were around our age and wanted to know if you wanna hang out."

I look between the two of them, they both seem very unique and chill.

"Yeah we can hang for a bit."

"Yes! Okay well you seem artsy so I wanted your opinion on my pictures. Is it bad? Is it good?" His phone slides into my hand

"They are good, but I feel like you definitely could afford to try some new poses or angles, maybe some different clothing and hairstyles."

"I've been telling you that for weeks, Al. How come you never listen to me?" Genesis says while fake frowning

"Because whenever I let you take my pictures you get bossy."

"Also, side note, you never told us your name" he turns back to me

"It's Jasmine. You can call me Jas if you want"

We all get our food and start eating. They seem really nice and down to earth, and they aren't hard on the eyes either. It feels good to finally meet someone that isn't my family. Too bad it'll all be over once we board that plane.

We all finish our food, exchange numbers, and go our separate ways. I start my walk back to the house.

"We'll be seeing you again Jasmine!! Don't forget about us!!" Albert says while they both wave.

"I won't!!" I wave back and step on the porch.

Jahseh is sitting outside smoking a blunt

"Who was that?" He mumbles

My eyes roll and I keep walking into the kitchen.

"Hey, I'm gonna get cleaned up now"

"Okay honey" Cleo kisses me on the cheek and calls Aiden

I get my shower stuff and head into the bathroom. I set into the shower and start the water. Giveon starts playing in the bathroom speaker. I hum along to the music. A ringing noise starts to echo through the room and the room starts to feel small.

"No, no!" My head is buried in my lap in response.

My face stings as I recover from the punch.
"I told you to stop singing in my house." I'm dragged by my arm into the bathroom and am pushed into the shower.

"You will learn your place!" I'm pushed to the floor and held there. She turns on the hot water and forces me to stand under it. I wail in pain and try to run.

She hits me in the face again. "Don't fucking move"

I scream some more and try to scoot away.

I feel a yank on my hair and then nothing else

"Jasmine? I'm coming in!"

I see Cleo's face appear in the doorway. More tears and loud sobs come out as I hold myself.

"What's wrong, Jasmine?" She wraps a towel around my shivering frame as I try to get up

"Nothing new, just a lot of bad memories."

I hurry to my room and throw on my clothes. I just want to get out of this house and away from Jahseh. I smooth the ruffles out of my dress and run downstairs to the car. I slide into the passenger seat and shoot Cleo a smile. She squeezes my hand lovingly and starts the car.

I stare out the window and watch the trees swiftly move past my vision. If I could disappear into them, I would.

I reach in my purse and feel around in it. I feel nothing but my lipgloss , pepper spray, and taser.

"Hey Cleo, can we go back really quick? I left my phone."

"Yeah, sure." She turns the car around and pulls back into the driveway. I run up the driveway and see stokeley standing at the door. I walk up to him and his body stiffens up.

"Um... can you move, please?" I try to open the door but he blocks me.

"Yo! I don't have time for this!" I push him out of the way and open the door. My eyes widen as the door slowly swings open.

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