Merlin forgets his shirt

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The warning bells were louder than Merlin remembered them being, but that's what he gets for going to the country for a fortnight. He'd loved visiting his mother, but he had gotten all the chores she needed done and knew he would be needed in Camelot. Gaius had sent word that an illness had broken out and he would be in the lower town when Merlin returned and he would send a messenger to fetch him if he was needed. The ride back had left Merlin exhausted. The heat was terrible and he had spent the time in Ealdor sleeping without a shirt on so as to stay cool.

When he woke up from the peals of the warning bells, Merlin groaned and took off down the corridor towards the King's chambers. The cool stone slapping under his feet as he had forgotten to grab his boots. Finding the King's chambers empty, he headed for the council chamber, narrowly avoiding other servants and a few guards in his haste. Several had seen him fly past and tripped or walked into a wall. Merlin thought it was odd, but kept up his pace until he reached the doors. Even the guards standing sentry at the council hall were looking at him strangely. Merlin pushed the door open and walked in and everything stopped. The King, the few councilmen that had made it, and the original Knights of the Round Table all just stood and gawked at him. Gwaine actually fell over as he leaned around the others trying to get a better look at him.

"Erm. What's going on?" Merlin asked, hoping someone would talk instead of stare at him. He reached up and tried calming his hair down thinking it must be sticking up all over. Leon cleared his throat and looked back to the table, and tried again.

"There seems to be some sort of creature just outside the citadel walls." Leon finally said, whilst digging in a side pouch.

"What sort of creature? Has anyone been harmed? Gaius is still working in the lower town on that illness, but I should be able to help." Merlin stated, still waiting for someone to start talking. Instead, he watched as Leon pulled out some coins, counted them, and then handed them to a grinning Percival. Merlin raised his eyebrow at this.

"Merlin, are you cold?" Gwaine managed to ask, having righted himself, voice cracking.

"No." Merlin answered, looking at the Knight in confusion.

"Are you sure you're not cold?" King Arthur finally asked, arms crossed over his chest.

"Yes, I'm quite sure. It was a long hot ride back from Ealdor, and my room has had the sun on it all day so it is still quite warm. Why?" Merlin was genuinely confused as to why everyone was acting so strangely. He whirled around just as Gwen entered the room at a run and collided with him, sending them both to the floor.

"Oh! Merlin, I'm so-," Gwen paused and looked down at where her hands were and pursed her lips.

"Gwen?" Merlin called.

"Merlin? Why are you not wearing a shirt?" She asked, blush creeping up high on her face. Merlin's eyes went wide. He looked down and realized he had ran across the castle in just his breeches.

"I, erm, hadn't, erm realized. I should go remedy that." Merlin cleared his throat, as his ears reddened. Gwen still had her hands splayed on his chest. "Your highness? I would need you to get up for me to remedy the situation." Gwen's face flushed even more.

"Oh! Right, right, of course." She acknowledged, slowly getting up and reaching out a hand to help Merlin back up. When he was on his feet again, he stumbled into her slightly, causing her to place her hands over his abdomen, which was more toned than it had a right to be.

"Guinevere." Arthur called, gaining her attention.

"Off you go, Merlin." Gwen stated, pulling her hands back to herself, stepping away from him and making her way over to the King, her husband, who looked a little peeved. Merlin pursed his lips, promptly turned his back on the group and walked until he was a little ways down the corridor before taking off at a run again.

"Good lord." Gwaine huffed out, bending down and putting his head on the table. "Did anyone know that was what was hiding under those god-awful red and blue tunics?" He called, voice echoing off the wood.

"Percival." Leon grumbled in response.

"Really?" Elyan asked, skeptically. Percival shrugged with a smile.

"Manual labor has some advantages. What did you think would happen if he carried armor around the castle all day, attended training all the time, or carried heavy visiting nobles trunks upstairs? He is constantly doing some work or another and running everywhere. I don't know how none of you could see it." Percival stated simply.

"Gwen? How did it feel?" Gwaine asked, looking up at the Queen, who flushed and had to try to fan her face.

"Don't answer that, Guinevere. If you love me at all, don't answer that with me in the room." Arthur shook his head, running a hand over his face.

A cough sounded from the door, and nearly everyone jumped. Merlin grinned.

"Sorry. Ready to discuss the threat, now?" He asked.

"Yes. Finally. About time, Merlin." Arthur grumbled. As they discussed the plan, he could swear Gwaine was pouting in his direction. He wasn't embarrassed to be seen without his shirt, but it seemed to have caused some stress to his friends.

Well, he was fairly interested in what had caused Leon to hand Percival some money, and hoped he could ask the larger man later. He left as soon as the plan was decided to ready horses and provisions. He wondered why the others remained in the hall, half still in their night clothes, half in their armor, but tried not to think about it too much

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