Leon knows

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Loyalty ran through Leon's body like blood in his veins. His heart fully committed to his job of being a knight, serving the king was his number one priority. This meant long hours of training to make sure he could be the best and sometimes doing the jobs that nobody else wanted.

The other squires at the time found it strange, which seemed like perfect reasoning to call him derogatory names and mess with him. This meant Leon didn't have many friends when he was a squire, always keeping to him self, always trying to improve himself.

All the tormenting, long hours, blood, sweat (and in rare cases where it all got too much) tears. The hard work payed off. He got the job as being a knight and become a mentor for the prince, teaching him everything he knows when it come to fighting. Leon and Arthur ended up becoming sort of friends but not really because Leon who always had a heart that overflowed with goodness, always kind and polite where as Arthur as a prince, was not.

Now, Leon is good friends with Arthur and over the past years a group of people from all walks of life came together.

All were as close as brothers, they all knew each other like the back of their hands making the group work smoothly together.

One boy of that group of brothers, was only a classed as a mere servant. Merlin. Leon has had his laughs and shares fond memories with the dark haired lad but they never really bonded. That didn't mean Leon wasn't protective of the boy, he knew that Merlin had a large roll to play in turning Arthur in the considerate king he is today and part of the reason some of the men he calls his brothers are knights today.

"Leon, good buddy, ol'pal, how are you feeling on this magnificent morning?" Gwaine greeted as he wrapped an arm around Leon's shoulders. Walking beside him as he threw an apple in the air and catching it with his free hand. "What have you done? What do you want?" Leon replied a small knowing smile on his lips, Gwaine was always up to something.

"I am offended sir Leon that you'd assume I'd want something, I'm just making conversation with you old friend." Gwaine said giving a nod to a group of ladies that they past, earring crackle of giggles. Gwaine was one of the knights that considered Merlin as a close friend. The serving boy would laugh at his jokes and regularly drag his drunk behind home from the Tavan.

"I appreciate your company Gwaine, but I also wasn't born yesterday." Leon replied laughing softly, turning the corner, Gwaine sighed dramatically "Spoil sport you are. Dear friend, you are no fun, I need to ask a small favour" the mischievous knight said, coming to a halt, spinning Leon by his shoulders so they were facing each other.


"No" Leon stated cutting the knight off before he could utter another word, already knowing where it's going. "Leon, my good friend, my buddy, my favourite fellow knight. I beg of you please just this once cover training for me. I'm man with needs, Leo" Gwaine pleaded gripping the older's shoulders with one hand while taking a bite from the Appel.

"I know your a saint that honestly could use some, I'll get you a girl Leon. What are you into? Virgin? Young? Experienced? What perks your interest?" Gwaine tried another approach.

Leon rolled his eyes, shaking his head at the woman obsessed male. "I don't need a lady Gwaine. Offer to do Merlin's chores, I'm sure he can come up with a valid excuse for your absence" he suggested, the long haired knight's eyes lighting up, the grin widening "you're a genius" Gwaine said cupping Leon's cheeks pressing a slobbery kiss on his forehead. Leon laughed loudly, pushing the childish knight away watching Gwaine sprint to back to the castle.


Leon was never a nosy person, he never wanted to be a bother or ask the wrong question so he just kept his mouth shut and curiosity locked up in his mind. He allowed other people to ask questions and learnt about people through listening into conversations. His method worked, he has learnt all sorts of things about his fellow Knights.

The one person his curiosity is particularly interested in is the man that looks like an open book yet he knows nothing about. Not that it's any of Leon's business, as they aren't in any way close friends, so really it should come to no surprise that he knows quiet little about the manservant.

What Leon does know, is that there is a curfew that people need to follow, with the recent threats of morgana still looming over them, everyone is on high alert and the only people on the streets should be the guards.

It started a few weeks ago, Leon was coming home from his petrol of the lower town, he watched as the manservant snuck out, looking around before dashing towards the lower town. Leon let it go at the time knowing that he has an agenda with Guais, delivering medicine or sleeping drafts to people of the lower town.

But it became a regular thing, sneaking out past curfew, more times then not the next day looking exhausted, dark bags under the servant's eyes, a fake smile on lips which seemed unnatural for the laid back servant.

So when Leon watched the skinny boy sneak out past curfew, a slight limp in his step. Leon decided to follow, figuring what's the worse the unproblematic servant be up to?

Leon's confusion and curiosity was skyrocketing as he followed the boy out the walls of Camelot, sneaking past the sleeping guards which didn't impress him the slightest. He followed Merlin into the forrest, careful not to make to much noice with his footsteps.

They didn't stop until they reached a clearing, Leon almost blew his cover by what he saw. The great dragon that once terrorised Camelot, the dragon that was supposed to be dead. Leon had his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to protect the seemingly fearless manservant.

"Kligharra" was the name Merlin called it, baffling Leon as he watched on, his mind racing. Merlin was just a simple servant, why is he conversing with a dragon?

"He grows stronger young warlock, secrets can not protect Camelot." The dragon stated, Leon watched the manservant shake his head, fingers gripping his hair in frustration.

"They will hate me Kligharra, how will I be able to protect Arthur and the knights if I'm dead or banished" Merlin argued.

Although Leon didn't trust the fire breathing monster further then he could throw it and his trust in the manservant was shaken slightly. Leon walked away with no intention on telling anyone before he talks to the boy himself.

The more his thoughts roam the more the concept of Merlin being a warlock makes sense to Leon. The small unexplainable events that everyone in the group seem to overlook and have became blind to, since it's now a given thing. No one questioned how or why certain things happen, or how the manservant has a sixth sense when it comes to danger.


It's been a week and Leon can't believe that the manservant hasn't been found out yet. Every time one of those unexplainable events happen, Leon's eyes would glance to the glowing gold eyes of Merlin, who always stood on the outskirts of the fight, face full of concentration and worry.

Leon hadn't had a chance to talk to the boy, there were a few chances where he could of stolen the boy's attention but he his tongue got to heavy and his body didn't do anything to grab the boy.

"I don't hate you" Leon blurted out as the two were walking down the corridors. Merlin jumped startled at the outburst before turning to face him, confusion clouding his eyes.

Leon stared at the boy trying to find a plausible excuse to get out of this situation, unfortunately none came to mind so the truth was the only way.

"You were worried about Arthur and the us knights hating you for what you are." Leon stated quietly not wanting anyone to hear or question the context of the conversation. Leon watched an ebullition of emotions fill the manservant's face, mouth gaping.

"I don't hate you as I don't think you are evil. I'd expect if you were, I wouldn't be having this conversation" Leon muttered glancing around the empty hall.

"You're not telling anyone right?" Merlin whispered, eyes blown with fear. Leon smiled placing a hand on the tense boy's shoulder, "I'm sorry Merlin, but this is not a matter I can dismiss. You've been out after curfew a few times, I will have to tell somebody" Leon stated, the fear in the manservants eyes washed away with relief. The usual smile rising, as the warlock smacked Leon's chest softly.

"The royal prat is rubbing off on you Sir Leon, and I had such high hopes" Merlin jabbed lightly, placing a hand over his racing heart. Leon laughed loudly, patting the Ebony haired man.


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