Merlin in charge

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Hunting trips were nothing out the ordinary, they usually happened every fortnight and they lasted anywhere up to a two days to a week. Merlin complained most of the way through the Forrest, as killing animals as a 'team building experience' seemed unfair for the poor creatures.

Arthur hid a content smile, plastering a look of annoyance on as he retorted to his manservants complaints with friendly insults that he knew would be thrown right back at him.

The hunt was going perfectly, for Merlin that is, any animal that had ears were long gone before Arthur and the knights could set their eyes on them. Merlin couldn't help that he was just a little more clumsy then usual. The knights chuckling at Merlin's antics as they watched the manservant conveniently trip over thin air as he smacked into Arthur sending them both the ground and spooking the dear away.

"Merlin!" Arthur yelled annoyed, his eyes set in a glare at his manservant as he pushed him off balance "hunting requires speed, stealth and a agile mind" Arthur growled as he stood up, dusting off the dirt off his chainmail.

"So you get by on two of the three?" Merlin retorted standing, flashing the prince a smirk before turning to the group of snickering knights.

By night fall Arthur and the knights managed to kill a small bore and a few hares for dinner, which Merlin skinned and cooked up for the hungry group of men as they set up their own bedrolls, which Merlin thanked them for.

Merlin's stomach growled softly as he picked up the ladle to serve himself what's left, "have you checked the horses merlin?" Arthur asked, merlin stared at him for a few seconds wondering if he was serious. "Come on they must be starving" Arthur stated, taking another spoon full of his broth.

"get some more wood while your there. on your toes" Arthur ordered as he eat his dinner. Merlin sighed placing the ladle back, grumbling under his breath as he took care of the horses and picked some wood on the way.

Once he returned the knights had finished the broth, handing him their plates, commenting on their enjoyment. Gwaine rubbing it in slightly as he grabbed the ladle licking it clean before the king commented that the food was slightly salty.

"Merlin" Leon's voice called out as he went to wash up, turning he looked at the knights who were all snickering as Percival held another bowl "there's another bowl" Gwaine commented grinning as the rest laughed. Merlin chuckled shaking his head at his friends, Percival walked over grabbing the dirty dishes with one hand, handing the full plate to Merlin with the other.

Merlin shot up, his magic swirling under his fingertips, looking around worriedly through the dark woods, "bad dream?" Gwaine asked glancing at his startled friend. "We got company" merlin said muttered staring accusingly through the dark Forrest.

"I haven't heard anything" the knight said standing his sword drawn, just in case. Merlin bit his lip straining his eyes to see further in the darkness, his magic heating under his skin in anticipation of what's out there. He could feel the presence of another magic being or beings.

Piercing screams echoed loudly through his head, making the warlock clutch his head in agony, he heard the other knights yelp in pain, as the screams seemed paralyse his body, his vision going blurred as the screams continued for what felt like forever before everything went black.


Merlin woke up with a pounding headache, but unharmed and unmoved from the spot he fell asleep in, blinking a few times to get his vision clear, he looked around and counted the knights who also were starting to wake up.

5 men.

Panic tore through his heart as he looked around trying to find the familiar face of his king. "Arthur!" Merlin called out scrambling to his feet as he double checked the faces in front of him.

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