The Hero & The Kids - pt 1

Start from the beginning

Rim: "Of course. But it's only possible if the Founder's Festival is a resounding success. We still have 3 more days until things get more open for nobles and commoners."

Kinh: "Then I'm sure there is little to worry about. But why hasn't started yet,  just look at how lively things are! And I can only imagine how many nobles worldwide are making the journey over here."

Queen: "I can only imagine. But as Rimuru-san said, there is no need for us to hurry matters. A plan like this one proposed will require an agreement from all the nations involved. In the meantime, we will work with our own government to ensure a consensus on this matter. But we must leave and experience the festival for us nobles. I hope that the Tempest Founder's Festival is a resounding success". They both stood up and left, not trying to waste time on their part or ours.

(The next day)

Today, we - Rim and I are being visited and meeting with Gazel. 

Gazel: "Well, Rimuru, here I am! *thump* My first journey by carriage in far too long! I'm exhausted!" As he sat in the chair he leaned over and grabbed the last doughnut which was Rim's. As soon as he grabbed the doughnut he felt like he remembered something and put the doughnut back at the table.

Rim: "Uhh... I actually wasn't expecting you to be here."

Gazel: "Pffft! Do you think I wouldn't? When I know you're up to something I can't know unless I see what it is with my own two eyes! And also...I have a question for you, the both you know." He said the last sentence in a partial serious tone.

"Which is?".

Gazel: "So the fight between Hinata Sakaguchi and the 7 Celestials? That's a lie, isn't it? The tie and their death?".

Rim: "Well, you could call it winning the battle and losing the war, but yeah, I won in a sense that it became a tie."

"And the death of the 7 Celestials, we did kill them err to be more specific it was Val- Luminous that kill the Celestials we were fighting and the others were killed by our demonic subordinates."

Gazel: "Unbelievable. That woman, of all people... Frankly, she's stronger than I am. Her swordsmanship, for one—but even in overall strength, I'd lose. And as for the Celestials, you fought... You really beat them?". We both nod and it looks like he's gotten a small headache from this.

Gazel: "*sigh* Well let us move from this topic. So, what are you planning this time?".

"Is it about the Festive?".

Gazel: "No, about it's the Western Holy Church, they sent us a message asking to open a channel for future negotiations! They used to classify us as a nose away from monsters! Why'd they would they overturn their doctrine like that? It was so sudden, I just know you have to be behind it!"

 "I mean you're not wrong." I said as Rim sent a 'Hey!' through telepathy.

Rim: "Well, um, I have to say, it's the first time I've heard about this. But you know, I think duking it out with Hinata has helped us develop a sort of friendship...? That's how we reconciled things, besides, and we agreed that we'll try to stay on good terms in the future. So maybe that got them in the spirit? Like, it inspired them to make some official overtures with you, too?". Gazel in response rose his eyebrow.





Gazel: "Heh... You saw my [Read Thought], didn't you? Well, I applaud you for it, but I think you forgot about someone who can't."

'Well, shit.' "Um... do I have to just say something in my mind to deny you access or do you just search for it?".

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