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I step out of the already familiar elevators and stop in front of Sana's desk. She instantly smiles when she sees me and I let her know that I'm here to see Namjoon, so she calls him to let him know that I'm here. She nods at me while she tells me to come in before sending me a wink, making me chuckle. As I pass through Jimin's office, I see him working on his computer with his door closed. He looks really concentrated on what he's doing. I notice that I stopped walking for some reason, maybe just to stare at him. Well damn. He looks super hot in that suit. I wouldn't mind working in a place like this if my boss looked like that. My breath hitches a little when he suddenly stops looking at his computer and locks eyes with me. His cheeks becoming a little red all of a sudden. I just smile at his reaction and wave a little at him before I continue making my way to Namjoon's office. I knock on the door once I arrive and hear a "come in". I open the door and close it after getting inside the office.

- Hey Nam.-

- Hi Y/N(n)ie. How have you been?-

- Good. A little busy lately, but fine. You?- I sit down in the chair in front of his desk.

- Same. I have a lot of meetings today, so I'm a little in a hurry. Sorry.-

- No. Don't worry about that.- A beautiful woman, who I recognize as Namjoon's assistant, knocks on the door and steps in with a few papers in her hand. She hands them to Namjoon before bowing a little. I smile at her as she makes her way out.

- Thanks, Chaeyoung. Look, this is the contract. I asked Taehyung to send me a copy of your contract at Traander, so they're both really similar. You know the deal. You have to come to the shareholder meetings once every month or whenever we need the shareholder's vote on a big company decision. And that's pretty much it.- I quickly read the contract and as he says, it's just like Traander's. I end up signing it and smile at him as I hand him back the papers. I take a paper with the menu for the event on Friday out of my jacket and hand it to him.- As the entrèe, cured beef-tenderloin bruschetta with red-wine mayonnaise. For the main dish, roast beef with caramelized onion gravy, accompanied with a waldorf salad. As dessert, molten chocolate tart.- He reads out loud.- Well, this sounds absolutely delicious.-

- Yeah? Cool, I'll make sure it's light and well balanced.-

- Great, perfect. I trust you. Thank you so much and we'll see each other on Friday then.- Chaeyoung knocks yet again and steps in to take him to his meeting.

- Sure. See you Friday.-

He hugs me quickly before making his way out of his office to where I suppose the meeting room is. I also walk out of his office and decide to head to Jimin's. I don't know why, but I'm sort of dying to spend time with him, even if it's just a minute. I see he's still very concentrated on his computer, so I knock on his door earning his attention. He tells me to come in and I close the door soon after.

Not so straight - Jimin x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now