Start from the beginning

"Dyson" Paige said darkly.

"Commander Paige. Its quite the pleasure to see you again. Circumstances notwithstanding"

"Can't say the feelings mutual"

Dyson chuckled "Its so nice to see my hunch confirmed. I suspected you were the new renegade" He gestured at the 'T' Symbol on her chest "Though you're no Tron, I will say you were slightly more effective than the previous renegade. A shame you decided to use those skills so uselessly"

Paige jumped up from her knees, causing both guards to grab her by the shoulders. She struggled against them, obviously ready tear Dyson's face off.

"Now, now, do try to be polite. You are a guest here after all" Dyson said humorously.

"Take off these cuffs and Ill show you just how polite I can be" Paige growled.

Dyson's smile went dangerous, with only the barest shifting of his weight he slugged Paige in the gut. She doubled over and grunted. Then stiffened when his disc revved just over the back of her neck.

"I have waited for quite a long time to do this" Dyson said with murderous intent.

Jet stiffened, blind panic shooting through his system. He couldn't stop this. He had his light cuffs mostly loose by this point but he needed at least another minute to get his hands free.

"Disappointing" Hilda said.

Dyson looked up to stare at her, momentarily distracted from the program crumpled at his feet.

"I don't recall asking for your input. But while we're on the topic. What do you find disappointing program?" His voice was dangerously pleasant.

Hilda shrugged nonchalantly. "I suppose I figured the 'Renegade of Argon' would at least die in battle or something. Bit of a disappointment to see her go down in a back room like this. Anticlimactic I suppose. Don't you agree Jet?" She looked at Jet for support, widening her eyes in a wordless plea.

"Ah, right. I mean its kind of hard to write a song about her glorious death when the death is you know...not glorious"

Dyson blinked at them, then powered down his disc.

"You would prefer she die by public execution? And here I thought you were comrades"

"Oh we are. But I wouldn't wish an inglorious death on my worst enemy" Jet said quickly.

Dyson cocked his head "Who are you two exactly?" He sounded more confused than anything else.

"I am but a humble music program" Hilda bowed her head and curtsied awkwardly with one of her arms still held by a guard.

"Me too. I as well live to brighten the darkness of the Grid with the light of music" Jet said passionately.

"How quaint. I wasn't aware there were still any art programs left on the Grid" Dyson said evenly.

"We are few. Its true. But our prime directives guide us to preserve the great stories and songs of the Grid" Hilda expounded. She looked like she would be waving her arms around if she could.

"Songs like the glorious death of the Lady Renegade. The third to take the mark of Tron in defiance. It's a pretty cool story" Jet finished, forcing a smile and bright tone. This Dyson guy seemed pretty rotten, but he just about had his cuffs loose. Maybe he could distract the guards long enough for Paige to do something.

Dyson tapped his chin "Fascinating, you don't object to my killing your Renegade. Only my killing her without an audience. I wasn't aware art programs could be so.....tasteless"

Tron: DeliveranceWhere stories live. Discover now