chapter 11: accepting apologies.

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after the drones met team RWBY, team JNPR showed their new teammates around beacon to get familiar with their new home. their last stop is the cafeteria

jaune: ok, so guys, this is the cafeteria.

he said as he opened the doors, which made the murder drones impressed of the design

he said as he opened the doors, which made the murder drones impressed of the design

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J: impressive.

N: ooooh.

V: neat. mm hmm.

Jeff: i gotta admit, it looks nice.

???: umm, jaune is that you?

when jaune heard that voice, they turned around and see it's someone he didn't want to see again, and that someone is cardin winchester, who had an apologetic look on his face

but when the drones saw them, their eyes turned into x's and had sharp teeth showing, which made cardin scared

jaune: what do you want cardin?

cardin: well, i heard that you became a robot now after you came back, so....

nora: let me guess, you came to blackmail him again?

she said, making jaune and his drone friends shocked

cardin: i came to say sorry for....

ren: for what?

cardin: .....everything.

he said, making team JNPR and the murder drones curious on what he has to say

N: never thought i say this to a bully, but i'm curious on what you have to say.

J: so please, continue.

cardin: ....after you stood me up at the foreverfall forest, i felt regret on how i've been treating you, same goes with my team. but when i heard that you disappeared, i felt even more regret, and i've been getting help to not bully anymore i want to make amends.

Jeff: then why were you bullying velvet, the bunny faunus when we came back?

cardin: because that was my last time doing it, after that i was done when you started beating me up...(eyes widened) wait how do you know velvet?

jaune: i told them everything, about you, how i got here, what you did, everything.

cardin: oh.

he said as he lowered his head down in guilt and regret

Jaune: but....i can't believe i'm saying this....(sighs) i accept your apology.

NPR & Drones: WHAT!!!!???

cardin: really?

Jaune: really, but can't forgive what you did in the past, or be friends with you, understood?

cardin: understood.

J: also, before you leave cardin, if you dare try to out jaune, we are going to kill you.

V: and if we don't, we'll let nora break your legs.

nora: yeah.

ren: nora.

Jeff: is that understood?

cardin: yes, guys. understood.

he said in fear as he ran away, out of sight. as he left jaune asked a question to his teammates

jaune: quick question guys, how do you know about my secret? the only people i told that was phyrra and J's team.

nora: well, the thing is, after you disappeared, phyrra told us and team RWBY about your secret and why you did it.

N: so your not mad him for keeping that from all of you?

phyrra: of course not, we're friends.

nora: and your our fearless leader.

ren: and you're like a brother to me.

jaue: guys, i don't know what to say. at first, i thought you and everyone else was going to betray me or something like that.

phyrra: jaune, you know we would never do that.

she said as they went back to their dorm to relax after the tour and as the screen went dark

end of chapter, hope you liked it and i'm sorry that it took so long, i was trying to think on what to write in this chapter.

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