Chapter 5: saving a village

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After jaune and his new drone friends went to the source of the screaming they heard, they found a village that is being overrun with grimm, people were running away from the grimm while the drones were watching the chaos, and safe to say, jaune's drone friends were shocked of seeing the grimm for the first time ever in their lives

J: so that's a grimm?

V: they look ugly, but also dangerous. Almost like a mutated animal or something.

N: exactly, and you were trained to fight these things jaune?

Jeff: my thoughts exactly.

Jaune: yep, now let's save the villagers.

And now we see a few children getting cornered by a pack of beowolves, they were about to be mauled to death until....


as the children opened their eyes, they see a cool looking robot, but not just any robot, in front of them, they see jaune arc: the murder drone huntsman in training as he turned to them on his right knee

Jaune: are you ok?

Children: uh, uh huh.

Jaune: good. Go to your parents while we hold them off, ok?

Children: we?

Jaune: JUST GO!!!!

As he yelled at them to go to their parents, he turned around facing the grimm standing there doing nothing, and as one of the grimm was about to pounce on him, a missle appeared out of no where, killing it.

After that kill, the other murder drones landed in front of jaune, making the surviving villagers looking at them in awe and wondering "who made them" and "are they from atlas or something"

Jaune: you guys wanna kill some grimm?

J: you know it, stud.

N: I love doing anything.

Jeff: enough yip yap, let's just do it!!!

V: Jeff's right, last one killing a grimm eats a missle!!!

She said as they charge at the grimm, killing every last one of them, which made some of the villagers faint of what they're seeing, including one of the mothers


After killing the grimm, the drones were taking a break, relaxing in the sunlight, after endlessly killing grimm that invaded the village they saved.
Now we see Jaune was sitting down next to J on the sidewalk, who is seeing the sunset for the first time

Jaune: beautiful isn't it.

J: yeah, it is. This is my first time seeing the sun set, and....I like it.

Jaune: I'm glad you do.

Jaune then sees the village elder walking behind him as he was about to ask him something

Village elder: thank you for saving us, whatever you are.

Jaune then gets up

Jaune: it's no problem, we heard screaming and we traced it to here.

Village elder: but may I ask, what are you?

Now we see N walking to the elder to answer his question

N: I can answer that, ahem......we are disassembly drones, autonomous robots made by our interstellar parent company, JC JENSON...IN SPAAAAACE!!!!!!

villagers: YOU'RE FROM SPACE!!!!!?????

J: we are, except mr.blonde right here, he from here and he used to be human, until an "accident" happened that sent him to an exo planet we were stationed on, he was close to death and we transferred his mind and soul into what you're seeing right now.

Children: WHOAH

As V was listening to the conversation they were having, a piece of paper flew onto her face and as she got the paper off and looked at it, she grew a shocked and surprised face of what she is seeing, she then walked over to jaune to show him the paper

V: uh jaune, you better take a look at this.

Jaune then grabbed the paper V handed to him and as he looked at it, he sees that the paper is actually a missing person poster with his face on it, with his parent's names on the bottom of the paper along with their phone number saying "if you see this boy, please call this number immediately". J, N, and Jeff then saw the poster and were surprised that they're seeing him being declared "missing", but then looked at jaune, who was trying to think of a way to meet his parents without scaring them

V: what are you going to do, jaune?

After thinking, jaune said this...

Jaune: everyone's probably worried about me, including my family, so guy.... get the ship ready, we're going to beacon. But first we gotta help the villagers repair their homes, it's the least we can do to repay them.

Jaune of the murder drones. (rwby x murder drones story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang