House of Reckoning

Start from the beginning



Jerome's POV

I was sat listening to Patricia go on about how she really likes old art, I mean I try not to look bored but I just had no interest in this at all.

Patricia" Yeah I love old art, the older the better 80s,90s"

Dad" Yes, good but maybe you could finish telling us about Chikofsky"

Patricia then shoves the Mac and Cheese in her mouth and starts talking with! her mouth full.

Jerome" Didn't anyone tell you not to talk with you mouth full"

Charlie*chuckles* True it is a bit rude"

Eddie then stands on his sisters foot and i can see she is holding in the pain. I squeeze her hand and her dad looks back at Patricia agreeing with her on her opinion of Chikofsky.

Charlie's POV
Patricia had just said that Chikofsky was like Mac and cheese, I couldn't believe what I had just heard and by looks on my twin's face he couldn't either. I mean, it was like Patricia had done a complete u turn, something wasn't right here. I nudge my brother and he looks at me, our dad involved with his conversation with Patricia.

Charlie" Does something seem off to you?"

Eddie" Yeah, she was like a lady a few minutes ago and now she is like, well more like Patricia, it's weird"

Charlie" And what about her top"

Jerome" Her top?"

Charlie" Yeah her top was different"

Jerome" Oh, I didn't notice that"

Charlie*rolls her eyes* Boys"

We turn back to our dad and Patricia who is going on about Art.

Nina's POV

With that done, we return to our room to find Fabian and talk about the zodiac. But he obviously listened to my orders to hide because we can't see him anywhere in here.


On the floor between my bed and the wall, Fabian pokes his head up. We sit down on the bed and I show him the photo on Amber's phone.


Fabian"This is the chart from the tunnel wall,"

Nina"The Zodiac of Horus, "That's what it's called."So now that we know what it's called, "maybe we can finally find some info online about this zodiac."

Amber"And find out what my Egyptian star sign is," Amber adds.

Me and Fabian throw her identical looks. Amber just pats her hair, scrunching up her nose and going to the mirror to take the curlers out.


Charlie's POV

Dad" So what other famous composers do you like?"

Patricia" Ermmm, comfort break"

Dad and Eddie"Again"

Patricia gets up and disappears around the corner, I take a glance at my brother and Jerome both who are confused.

Charlie" Do you think she is okay, she has done that twice, you don't think its the food"

Dad" Of course not, the food here is top quality"

Eddie" Maybe it's just nerves"

Dad" Perhaps"

Before we knew Patricia is back and I notice she has changed again, something was fishy here and it wasn't just my food. She sits down in her seat and we all exchange confused glances. Dad then turns towards Jerome.

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