Chapter 17: The Finals Naruto's Match

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It had been two weeks since the preliminaries and Naruto finally decided a small break from training was in order to keep a promise he made. After making arrangements he left his house that afternoon and made his way to a remote training ground where he found the one who asked him for an audience. She stood in the middle of the clearing, polishing her battle fan as she waited. "Temari-san...What is it you called me out here for?" He waited patiently while she finished the spot she was polishing before storing the fan on her back once more and turning towards him.

"Naruto-san...I was hoping I could talk to you about..." She turned away suddenly. "I really shouldn't be talking about this, but...Konoha is going to be attacked during the finals."

"I see."

She turned to him again, confused. "You sound awfully calm considering that news." She narrowed her eyes at him.

"I had suspected something big would happen. A new village attending chūnin exams, along with your Kage and a jinchūriki." It surprised Temari that he knew what her brother was, but she hid it as well as she could. "It was pretty obvious it was going to happen. Since you've confirmed my suspicions and given us the date, we might be able to be better prepared, but...I'm more concerned about why you are trying to help us. You clearly have issues with this village if your performance against Tenten was anything to go by." Naruto narrowed his eyes in suspicion as Temari again turned away.

"That was different. I was frustrated, in part, but I also wanted to show off a bit...Being a Kage's daughter has its disadvantages, not that you'd know. I don't really get to hang around with anyone other then my brothers and my sensei. I guess you could say I found someone I was interested in here and I was trying to impress him. I think I only made him angry though. I was hoping this would make it even for what I did to that girl." She lowered her head a bit. It was the closest to a confession she was willing to come out with.

"Well I can't say what this guy would see from this, but you have my thanks regardless. Good luck in the finals Temari-san." Naruto leapt off into the trees as Temari spun around to get another word in, but the boy was already gone.

She sighed to herself. 'Story of my life'.

Naruto sped towards the Hokage tower with his new information and arrived just as the old man was about to leave. "Hokage-sama, I need a quick word with you." The old man nodded and stepped aside from the door to allow the boy to enter. "Hokage-sama, I have been informed that there is to be an invasion during the finals of the chūnin exam,."

"Hmm, that is disturbing. Who was it that gave you this information, and why?

"Temari-san from the Suna team. As to her reason, it seemed to be somewhat of a personal matter that is inconsequential."

"I would like to question her further, but this close to the exams, taking her from her team would be far too suspicious." The old man pinched the bridge of his nose. If he were to take the Kazekage's daughter and interrogate her he risked an international event. Forget an invasion, they would be able to make demands if it was just a trick. "What would you do Naruto-kun?"

"Prepare for what we know already, and what we can assume."

"What we know is that Orochimaru is around and that he's the Kage of sound. He could definitely be leading an invasion if he has a country behind him, but even he can't gather a force big enough to take on Konoha by itself, so that would mean..." The old man picked out the information he could deduce.

"Suna." Naruto finished for him.

"Our alliance has been tight of late. It would be possible that my old student swayed them to his side. It is disturbing though to think that Kazekage-sama would side with such a traitor." The Hokage was disturbed by the thought. They had worked hard for the treaty with Suna, but he may have been a bit too greedy in taking missions from the Kaze no Kuni Daimyo.

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