Chapter 11: Aggrivation and Training

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"Ahhahaha. Is that your mission today? Cleaning up sewage. How fitting, loser!" The other two, who appeared just as ragged looking as Kiba, looked over and saw what Kiba was laughing at and joined in. Well, Sakura joined in. Sasuke just smirked.

"Hn, so the dobe finally found a job worth his stature. I'll make sure the maintenance department sends your jumpsuit over right away."

To their annoyance the blond just ignored them and started to walk away.

"What's wrong baka? Taking some sewer cabbage home to your little whores? I'm sure they'll be thrilled."

Naruto froze mid-step. "Sakura-san. Unless you want to walk around bald for awhile I suggest you never call Hinata-chan or Haku-chan that again." He turned slowly to the side and fixed his gaze on her. Ice blue orbs met green as he stared at her hard enough to make her shrink behind her teammates. "Insult me all you like, I'm used to it, but insult them and I will make your life hell."

The ever arrogant Uchiha scoffed but noticed the box he hadn't really seen before now, making him ponder a bit. The fact that it was locked intrigued him as anything locked was usually a secret, and any secret the dobe had should be revealed to him, especially if it could make him stronger. "What's in the box dobe?"

"Cleaning supplies." Naruto's voice was quick and even, betraying nothing.

"You're lying. No one locks up cleaning supplies, now tell me what's in the box."

"Cleaning supplies." He still didn't waver.

Sasuke took a threatening step forward, but stopped and smirked as he saw two of his favorite people coming down the street. Koharu and Homura saw the Uchiha in the street ahead and smiled, then saw who he was talking with and sneered. "Good afternoon Uchiha-sama. You mustn't associate yourself with such...savages. Come now and let us talk about your placement in the upcoming chūnin exams."

"I would love to Mitokado-san, Utatane-san, however this dobe took it upon himself to take something precious to me. I can't leave until I get it back."

Quicker than their ages should have allowed the two elders snapped their heads to the blond. Seeing the only thing of possible value being the box in his hands, they assumed that must be the object in question. "You, boy! You give him that box back this minute."

Naruto saw Sasuke smirk at him and bit his tongue. "Apologies councilors, but this is not his. This box belongs to me. It holds my possessions and I am the one holding the key. The only thing I may have taken from the Uchiha would be his pride."

"You filthy lying brat. Give Uchiha-sama his belongings now or we will take you to the Hokage!"

"Lead the way." He said easily, though with much distaste at their haughty attitude.

The two infuriated council members pointed towards the tower and Naruto sighed as he started walking as he began leading two read faced councilors and a smirking team seven through the streets of Konoha, right to the Hokage's office door. "Last chance monster. After this there is no going back. Stealing another persons property is a serious offense."

Not even signifying he heard them Naruto opened the door and walked in. He was met with the smiling face of Hiruzen, but that smile quickly turned serious as the man saw the boy's own expression followed by who was behind him. "Hello Hokage-sama. Your councilors seem to be in a bit of a tight spot and asked to come see you. I escorted them here along with team seven as per their request." Naruto took a seat in one of the nearby chairs setting the box pointedly on his lap. An action that was not missed by anyone in the room.

Sarutobi turned to his two advisers. "So, what brings you to my office this time?" How he wished he was allowed to use ear plugs in his job.

"Hokage-sama, this boy stole Uchiha-sama's possessions and refuses to return them. As this is a matter between two ninja we decided it should be handled by yourself as per your recent turn around on such matters dictates." Really all they wanted to see was the boy that he held in such high regard be shown as the trash he was, but they still managed to hiss out their distaste at the man for no longer being lenient enough to allow them to exact their punishment themselves.

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