Chapter 4: Revelations, Meetings and a New Mission

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Naruto both felt, and smelled a lot better after a nice hot shower. Now dressed in a new set of clothes he grabbed the stack of scrolls his clones had left on his kitchen table, as well as the scroll containing his findings from his surprise mission, before heading out the door. He sped off towards the Hokage tower not noticing another group, containing his more tumultuous classmates, heading the same way via the streets as he jumped from rooftop to roof top overhead. He arrived at the tower in no time and walked in completely ignoring the secretary as she called after him telling him to wait. Pushing open the door he strode in with a huge smile plastered on his face. "Heya Jiji-san." He looked at the older man just in time to see a flash of orange drop out of his line of site behind the desk.

"Ah, Naruto-kun. I didn't expect you here so soon." The Hokage said with a mild blush.

Naruto cocked an eyebrow at the old man's unease. "Clearly."

"So I trust everything went well on your mission."

"As well as a mission can go when your in a dark tunnel surrounded by dead decaying bodies and a madman's experiments I suppose." He tossed the mission scroll and the storage scroll to the Hokage who caught both easily.

Knowing what the mission scroll said already he opened it just enough to write his signature before storing it in a safe behind him. Turning back to his desk he addressed the storage scroll and began to examine the map Naruto drew on its surface, scowling a bit. "Naruto, I'm glad that you drew such a detailed map, but it doesn't really help us much."

Naruto sighed at once again being under estimated. "Ojii-san, please don't make me explain it..." Seeing the confused look on the Kage's face he sighed before walking up to the desk and channeling chakra into one of the seals, allowing a scroll to pop out. Sarutobi scratched the back of his head and let out an embarrassed laugh while Naruto just rolled his eyes and returned to his earlier position waiting patiently while Sarutobi read through a few of the scrolls, eyebrows raising almost as often as scowls crossed his face while more information was revealed him. When he was nearing the end of the third scroll Naruto decided to explain the other items he stored in the scroll.

"Ojii-san, before you get too far, and I fall asleep, I just want to point out two important things I sealed in there." Pointing out the seals off to the side he explained each one. "This one holds a scroll that contains the lair's armory, and this one contains the library. I figured you would want to look through them. There could be important information in the library, and the weapons could restock our own armory a bit."

Channeling chakra into the two seals he indeed found scrolls labeled 'Armory' and 'Library'. Opening the armory one first he was surprised to see how organized it was. Weapons were arranged by type and size with descriptions and quantities clearly written. Now curious he set the armory scroll aside and opened the library scroll. Inside it began with an alphabetical listing of books followed by categories of jutsu scrolls. All arranged by type, rank and name. Rolling up the two scrolls he set them aside and looked at Naruto with a gleaming smile. Taking out a sheet of paper he wrote a few things down on it before signing and handing it over to Naruto. Who looked down at it and read to himself.

S-rank mission completion form

This paper certifies the completion of a S-rank mission by:

Uzumaki Naruto

As certified by:

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Sandaime Hokage

There was also a small note at the bottom.

Bonus for going above and beyond the expectations of the mission.

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