Chapter 7: Celebrations

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It had been a close call the previous night. As it was everyone was walking on eggshells in the house. Kakashi went over the events in his head. Wondering how he could have let it get so out of hand. He remembered himself yelling at his students when a chair clattered to the floor. Then all hell broke loose.


Next thing he knew Tsunami was screaming and he was watching Sasuke plunge a table knife into Naruto's chest. It was obvious that Sasuke was after Haku since he was still grinning into her eyes as he felt the blade sink deeper. Unfortunately for him it was Naruto whose eyes he was now looking into, and fortunately for Naruto it could have been worse. Naruto, knowing he had no time to turn and block the avenger, managed to pull off a kawarimi with Haku just before Sasuke struck. As soon as he realized he'd stabbed the wrong target he tried to pull the knife back out but was stopped as Naruto grabbed his wrist. Red chakra seemed to swirl around the two boys before Naruto punched Sasuke in the face hard enough to send him crashing through the front door.

Naruto stalked out of the house after his target with a pissed off look on his face as he pulled the blade from his chest and threw it towards Sakura. It sank halfway into the beam beside her head barely managing to nick her ear. Kakashi was the only one that seemed able to move besides Haku who didn't even look fazed by the evil aura in the area. He didn't think he just acted as he dove out of the door and stood between the predator and his prey. "Naruto you have to calm down. You are going to lose control!" The blond looked at him with slitted red eyes, his gritted teeth showing two long canines through his sneer. "NARUTO!" It was no good the boy just walked towards him.

Naruto stopped suddenly as two arms wrapped around him from behind. He took another step forward, dragging his captor another foot. A brunette head of hair rested on his shoulder as Haku whispered something into his ear. He shook his head and took another step. The arms gripped him tighter making him falter. He no longer moved forward, but the oppressive aura was still there and he was still snarling at Sasuke. The Uchiha was starting to regret his decision as he desperately tried to crawl backwards until he found himself against a tree, leaving an odd wet trail behind on the ground. Haku was still talking into Naruto's ear and Kakashi could see his eyelids start drooping and the oppressive aura slowly dissipated from the air. After another minute it had lessened considerably to the point that Kakashi walked cautiously up to him and tried calming him down as much as possible, but when he got close enough that he was just about to hear what Haku was telling him Naruto suddenly dropped over unconscious with Haku's hold being the only thing keeping him from slamming into the ground.

Kakashi sighed in relief. That was one thing he didn't want to see on this mission or any other point in his life for that matter. He turned his attention back to his student who was pale white from fear. Kakashi didn't even spare the boy words as he knocked him out and tied him up before dragging him inside, not caring anymore what the council did because of the injured remnant. In the kitchen he saw Tsunami unconscious in Tazuna's arms from fear, while the man himself was deathly pale. Kiba was flat against the wall farthest from the door with Akamaru under his jacket whimpering, but they were both recovering. Sakura on the other hand was unconscious like Tsunami, but unlike her no one had bothered to catch the pinkette. He signaled for Kiba to grab the girl and follow which got a slow nod and a shaky "H-hai..." from the boy. When they arrived at the room for the boys of team seven Kakashi threw Sasuke on the floor before getting some rope and tying him up to a stock. Using excess of the same rope he tied up Sakura before taking her to her room and tying her to a stock as well. Each stock was nothing more then a couple boards of wood that would make it impossible for either to get out of the room quickly, if at all. Each arm was bound to one side of the horizontal post with the hands bound as well so they were unusable. One leg was bound to the vertical post while the other was securely tied to a rafter to keep them from going too far without a chaperone. They could move around a little, but with their chakra suppression seals back in place they were even less then a threat then before.

Naruto One Man Team by Ackdamजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें