He smiled lightly, taking the bags out of the car, somehow managing to lock it.

When he got up the stairs and unlocked the door, he could already see the light and some sound coming from the living room.

Louis took the bags in, closing the door behind himself and yanking his shoes off.

Once he stood in the doorframe to the living room he could see Harry sitting on a pillow. He was holding the shark plushie by it's fins while his eyes were trained on the laptop in front of him.

"How are you feeling?" Louis asked.

"Hi, better, much better." the boy answered.

Louis smiled slightly, putting his car keys and wallet on his desk, taking the groceries into the kitchen where he unpacked them all.

He also put the chicken into the oven since Harry needed to eat some proper food.

When he was done he grabbed the pack of candies, making his way towards the boy.

"Brought you something." he showed him the pack.

"Candy! Can I have some?" the boy took it from Louis with sparkles in his eyes.
"Sure you can. What are you watching?"

"Documentary about sharks." his answer made Louis smile, he liked to see he was interested in such things.

Louis sat down on the couch, leaving some space between the two of them. He wasn't showered like Harry, so that's why he tried to keep his distance.

"Want some?" Harry afforded him some of his sweets while he took his first bite.

"One?" Louis got one Coca Cola bottle for himself, leaving the rest for Harry.

He looked from the boy to the screen, just catching the sight of a massive great white shark.

"Alright. I will take a shower." he patted his thighs before he got up and retreated to the bathroom.

Harry's POV

Later Louis came back, going into the kitchen straight away. I ate half of the pack of sweets in the end.

Now I was just waiting for Louis to come back.

He stayed in the kitchen though and I was left alone. What was he doing there?

I didn't have to ask when the smell of seasoned chicken hit my nose. Food.

My tummy rumbled immediately.
Yeah, I was definitely hungry.

After some more time of me basically just waiting for Louis to announce the food was done, he finally stepped into the living room with two plates in his hands. There was a serving of that chicken with some veggie salad.

It looked and smelled wonderful and I really couldn't wait to try it.

He sat down next to me, handing me my plate.

"It looks wonderful." I took my fork from him too.

"Yeah? Hungry, right?" he questioned.

"A lot." I stated before I took some of the salad up to my lips.

"I thought so..." Louis picked some salad himself.

It was delicious. I was really hungry and this was very satisfying.

As I kept eating I noticed Louis has been just picking on his own portion so far. I glanced at him, seeing the frown on his face.

I took my eyes back to my plate, not feeling like finishing the food anymore.

Maybe I was just too disgusting to look at. I was eating horribly. Could that be the reason for him to be like this?

I rested my unfinished food on the table, leaning back into the couch.

"Why aren't you eating?" I glanced at Louis, keeping my eyes on him this whole time.

"What?" he wasn't listening to me at all.

"Why aren't you eating?" I repeated.

"I am just not that hungry right now." he put the plate away as well.

"But you are eating, right?" he glanced into his lap before he answered me.

"Sure I do. You know I do." he devoted me a glance and a forced smile.

"Well, sometimes I do." I took my eyes back to the screen.

"I will finish it later, I am just a bit- you know." he said awkwardly in the end.

"Okay. I will finish it later too." I said, grabbing my shark, making myself more comfortable under the blanket.

Louis leaned closer to me, so we could cuddle.

He put his arm around my shoulders while I played with the shark, staring at it's teeth.

"Oh, who do we have here?" he looked at the plushie, touching it with his hand.

I tilted my head to the side, smiling up at him. He brought that little smile of his back once again and I adored that.
I kept smiling while I leaned closer to his face, pecking his lips.

I could feel his fingers rubbing on my arm in response.
After that I rested my head against Louis' shoulder, turning my eyes and attention back to the fluffy animal in my hands.

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I cherish every single one of you. Thank you so much. I am so glad and happy, I can't put it into words right now.

Hope you had a successful day.
I love you very much and I am very proud of you!

Take care!<3


Biology - A/B/O | l.s.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ