Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

"My father was the youngest of seven. All together, there's about thirty Brooks grand-children, and that's only from the paternal side. And then Cindy, the bride-to-be, is a middle child of six. I heard it cost them a fortune to book a venue big enough to fit everyone."

"I'll bet." They walked in silence for a little, winding through the many guests and meandering children. Outside, the evening sun was crisp and warm, the perfect weather to capture a night of love. "Do you ever wish you had a sibling?" She gazed up at Kaden with curiosity. She found a small smile on his face.

"All the time. Sometimes I get mad at my parents for not giving me a younger brother or sister. But they tell me the pain of going through siblings, as if it'll change my mind. Growing up was kind of lonely sometimes. It still is." She was taken aback with this information. She would've never thought that Kaden Brooks was lonely. Anyone who knew him described him as a social butterfly. Never in school was he by himself for more than five minutes before someone new approached him. Like the old saying goes: girls wanted to date him, and guys wanted to be him.

Skylar said, "You'd make a really good big brother."

Kaden snorted. "I don't know about that. If I had a little sister, she'd probably be single until she was thirty." Skylar laughed- she knew this was true without a doubt. He'd be a protective big brother, that's for sure. The one who'd beat up any guy for breaking her heart.

Just then, a man and woman approached them. Skylar had never seen the man before, but he looked eerily familiar. Beside her, Kaden tensed, and then the puzzle pieces fit together. "Hey, dad," he said.

Mr. Brooks broke into a huge grin. "Glad you could make it, son!" He wrapped Kaden up in a bear hug.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Although, there was a certain grudge to his tone. He nodded in the woman's direction. "Welcome to the family, Cindy." It didn't sound as sincere as it could, but Cindy didn't seem to mind. She reeled him in for a big bear hug. Kaden's arms however were stiff at the side, not even touching her.

Mr. Brooks turned to Skylar then, and his grin widened. "You must be Skylar. Nice to finally meet you."

"Oh! Oh, um, Kaden and I aren't really-"

Kaden threw his arm around her shoulders and interrupted: "-exclusive yet!" he finished for her. "So keep it hush, hush, alright?"

Mr. Brooks threw his palms out. "Of course! My apologies! I do have to say son that I was a bit shocked you and Summer called it quits. But only because you two had been going out for so long. Truth be told, I never really liked that girl anyways."

"Dad-" Kaden mumbled, his face slightly glowing red. Mr. Brooks ignored his son, continuing to address Skylar as if they were the only ones in the room. "And it truly is an honor to meet the girl who keeps my son in check. You know, he's talked about you nonstop over the phone. I don't think I've ever seen my boy so happy before."

Skylar couldn't help but blush. They shook hands and then Andrew gestured to the woman next to him.

"And this is my gorgeous wife-to-be, Cindy."

Cindy looked like your typical evil step-mother in those Disney movies. Pixie-cut blonde hair, slim figure that said she did yoga or pilates in her free time, wearing a strapless white dress. But when she spoke, her voice was so gentle and sweet, Skylar knew there was no way she could have an evil bone in her body. "Hi! Nice to meet my new step-son and his beautiful girlfriend!"

"Oh, I-" Skylar sputtered. "I'm not- I mean you on the other hand, you're super- you're- really gorgeous. Umm..." She thrust the gift parcel into Cindy's hand. "Here! A wedding gift. My mother insisted I bring it. I, um, I really hope you like it!"

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