Chapter Eighteen

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If she used Kaden's mock first date to compare to her real first date with Thomas, the difference would stretch a mile. Thomas didn't walk into the store. Instead, he texted her that he was in the car. He didn't open the door, nor did he let her pick the radio station, but at least they had a somewhat deep conversation in the car about their personal lives. She learned that Thomas planned on going into the military fresh out of high school, and that he had two older brothers. He asked a couple questions in return: the basics really, like where she grew up and what TV shows she watched. But he didn't seem very interested- she got the impression that he was simply asking to be polite.

Once they got to the banquet, he looked her up and down. The same way that Kaden did when he first saw her with the dress, except with Kaden, Skylar got a warm rush whereas with Thomas, it was more of a cold chill. And not the good kind. She suddenly felt the need to cover up with a sweater or cardigan, wondering if she should've listened to Kaden and covered up.

He took her arm as they headed up the front steps of the school. She wore heels, and with them on, she was almost at Thomas' height.

Skylar made sure to replay every romantic gesture he initiated in her head for her short story inspiration. He also held the door open, and introduced her to some of his lacrosse buddies. All of them she already knew because they had helped out with her store. All of them did double takes, and she got lots of comments, like "Woah. I didn't recognize you" or "You should wear clothes like that more often, Lin" or, the worst one yet, "Told you it's always the quiet ones."

They entered the auditorium, and Thomas showed the usher the tickets he bought for the two of them (at least that earned him another gentleman point.) It was loud inside, with circular tables crowding the space. Everybody was chatting and mingling. Others were off to the side, taking pictures. Thomas left her alone for a bit to catch up with some friends. He asked if that was OK, and she instinctively waved him off, saying "Of course! You go ahead, I'll be fine." But secretly, she wanted him to stay. But she didn't want to be a burden, so she waded around awkwardly, pretending to be searching for someone. She went to the bathroom twice just to have something to do. Fifteen minutes later, she began scanning for him. Where was he?

Someone cleared their throat behind her, interrupting her thoughts, and Skylar whipped around, hoping it was Thomas. She grimaced. It was Kaden. With a girl by her side. "Where's your date?" he asked, his tone as flat as an iron.

"He went to the bathroom" she lied. "What are you doing here, Kaden?"

"This is an athletic banquet, Sky. And I am on the lacrosse team, if you recall."

"Oh. Right. Well, you didn't say anything about going." Skylar trailed her gaze to the girl and forced a polite grin. "Hi, I'm Skylar. It's nice to meet you."

"Renee." The two shook hands. She was pretty- thick brown hair pulled into a high pony, with a strapless red dress that gave her a sexy devilish look. The color brought out her dark skin tone nicely. "Nice to meet you, too."

"Well, I better get seated at the table. Thomas is probably looking for me."

"Right. Because Thomas definitely takes twenty minute bathroom breaks all the time." Kaden barked out a laugh void of any joy. She frowned. How did he know it had been twenty minutes? Was he watching her this whole time? Had he been keeping track?

Ignoring his comment, she walked away, pretending like she knew where her seat was. Luckily, she ended up bumping into Thomas on her way. "Hey, sorry about that. Saw some old classmates and I just had to catch up with them. I didn't mean to leave you alone."

"Oh, don't worry about it." His palm burned on her skin as he led her by the lower back to their table. And to her dismay, there was already a couple sitting there. Skylar froze. "You two- you're seating plan is here too?"

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