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It took us barely two minutes to get to the nearest club. So not that surprising since we are in that area of town. You know, the part where there are all of those sorts of eventful places at every building in that spot.

We all walked up to the bouncer, ready with the fake IDs that we all brought, knowing this would be the situation we were in. Well, not Kyle; Kenny just kept his since he knew Kyle wouldn't be going to any of these places without the group and would most likely leave it at home when its use came. I honestly don't know how Kenny got these IDs, but we were going out to celebrate the start of summer break at the end of sophomore year, and the blonde boy just handed them to us. That was actually the one night Kyle went to a club.

I'm sure that the bouncer was somewhat suspicious of the four of us but let us go in anyway. Again, another small perk of living in South Park. We were instantly greeted with the music we heard from outside, turning up a load and the flashing lights beaming directly in and out of our eyes when entering the building.

"Alright boys, what shall we get to first," Kenny said with a wide smile.

"I'm not sure this is a good idea; I think we should go. That guard guy out front looked like he wasn't sure about us being truly 21," Kyle said, already starting to be a ball of anxiety.

I place a hand on the curly-haired boy's shoulder, causing his green eyes to gaze up at me. "Look, dude, this is technically an eighteen or older club, so we're barely breaking the rules. And the only reason we had IDs that said we were 21 was to get access to the alcohol." I was proud of my logical speech there for a second until I genuinely focused on Kyle's face. Causing me to realize his eyes were narrowed and arms crossed in a state of judgment and irritation. "What?"

With a sigh and lifting his fingers to his forehead, the red-head breathed his reply, "You do realize that was not comforting, being that I'm stressed out about breaking the rules? And you just said straight to me that we are breaking them."

I opened my mouth about to say something until I realized I had no processed words to come out. Meaning the cute mother fucker won. Damn it.

Luckily Kenny came to my rescue with some fair logic. "Yeah, true; Stan's explanation was still stating you'd be breaking rules tonight, but one is only off by a year, and the other you've broken tons of times before."

"When have I had alcohol before?"

"You know, at parties."

"Ha, well, for your information, Kenneth, I don't drink at parties and rather just stand leaning against the wall," at first, Kyle looked smug. However, that faded pretty quickly when he processed what he said.

"Dude, do you realize how sad that sounds," I say, smirking at the short boy earning an irritated, red face coming from him.

"Shut up," was all Kyle could get out, moving his eyes down to his shoes.

We all chuckled for a second before Kenny spoke, "Look, Kylie," the blonde said as revenge for the earlier nickname, or opposite of nickname, at his expense, "If you're in agreement of how in the past you've been a wet blanket—"

"Oh, fuck y—"

Kenny pushed a finger in the boy's face before making his point, "Then why don't you try to let loose tonight? You know, have a little fun."

Kyle's eyes widen, no longer having that annoyed look. The boy sighed, "Alright, I will, but," the red-head said before we could all celebrate him loosening up, "I'm not doing anything too stupid and will still make sure you three don't either."

Being satisfied that Kyle said too, we all walked over to the bar, knowing that was just the way to start the night. And, of course, my first of too many.


"Stan, maybe you should—"

"'Maybe you' what? Just chill out, dude, loosen up."

"Okay... but you're pretty drunk; I just don't want you to go overboard."

"Oh, come the fuck on, it's not like I'm the only drunk person here. This is a club, right? Please correct me if I'm wrong, Uncle Kyle. We all know how you just love doing that."

"N-No, you're right," Kyle sighed while rubbing the back of his neck. I don't know what his problem is. Sure I've had a little more than normal, but that's not a problem. I don't have a problem. Leave me alone.

"Good," I roll my eyes taking a gulp of my- number something beer. I'm not sure what time or how long we've been here, but I don't really care as I walk away from the red-headed boy. As I walk through the crowd of people, I catch the sight of a familiar face. Cartman was chatting up some girl who didn't seem to be enjoying the conversation; I wonder what shit he's bugging her about this time? She really seems piss-, okay, and she slapped him.

As I continue moving my way through the crowd, I catch sight of another familiar figure. Yup, I'd recognize that orange parka anywhere; not sure who that girl on top of him is. But, don't worry, they're not having sex... yet. At the moment, they're just making out.

Kenny doesn't zip up his coat anymore, nor does he keep his hood up, but that doesn't mean he will stop wearing an orange parka. He's not very outgoing about his outfit choices, nor am I, but he's even less. The blonde always wears either ripped or not skinny blue jeans, either a plain black or white shirt, topped with a parka. As for shoes, it's either his black converse he's had since 7th grade but couldn't wear till he grew into them at fifteen or his black vans he got a year ago as a birthday gift from some hot ass dude- me.

I was going to get him another color like, I don't know, pink, but part of the gift was taking Kenny to go pick out the shoes, and he chose black. A solid choice, but still, black. And no, I didn't want to get him pink shoes because it's a "girl" color, so it would be funny. I mean, come on, I'm not old-fashioned like that. I wanted to get him pink shoes because the blonde loves that color. He doesn't hide the fact it's his favorite but won't get any clothes that color cause he believes it doesn't look good on him. We all disagree, minus Cartman, because, you know, though that's not changing his mind. I don't even think he's tried on anything in that color; he just assumes.

Man, that boy really needs to gain some confidence.

Oh, come on, you're one to talk, idiot.

Hey, shut up. I'm having a moment here.

Yeah, one on the floor of a club bathroom.

Wait, wha—

My conscience brought me back to a state of reality. Well, more like back into focus, man; I'm wasted.

At some point during my rant in my thoughts about Kenny, I must have wandered into the— I can only hope men's bathroom. Sitting against the wall beside the row of sinks, I stand up and stumble over to a mirror. I place my hand on the sides of the sink to prop myself up as I gaze into the honestly quite dirty reflective surface.

I sigh, looking at the dark bags under my eyes, causing me to look absolutely exhausted. I guess I am, but that's still not a cute look. "Damn, I'm ugly," I let out a soft laugh moving my head, facing the sink and my hands.

"No, you're not," I turn my head to see Kyle. But, of course, he went to find me even after I said I didn't want to be near him.

"I didn't even hear you come in," I move my hand off the sink, turning my body so my lower back— okay, ass, was resting on the surface.

Ignoring my last statement (well, in his defense, it would be hard to reply to what I said), the red-head says, "Come on, it's time to go."

I tried fighting the boy's grasp with a few weak pushes and moans but eventually gave in to my exhaustion and let the boy drag me out of there.

Before closing my eyes and letting Kyle control where I move, so I don't have to keep staring into the flashing lights, I hum out one last thing—

"I love you, Kyle," then they close.


Oof, so I was planning on uploading once a week but then after part two was my PSAT week so I was doing that fun stuff also the past week I've just been putting off editing this section. Anyway, I'll try to get a new chapter up next week. Thx, and luv ya <3<3<3

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