I have a surprise

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I swore I'd never be this girl. I'd see it on tv and it would bother me so much that girls would cry because of their boyfriends. But boy have the tables turned. I sat on my couch my hair puffy and big, I've been in my Pjs since yesterday and I haven't moved from the couch, except to use the restroom and get food. I've been playing movies all day and created a pillow and blanket hut around myself. My coffee table was filled with chips and three different type of ice creams one bucket already empty. Kylie had insisted staying with me and she did all day yesterday but I told her to go home and relax with her family since she had just gotten back. My phone has been buzzing and ringing like crazy but I know its Bill and honestly he could suck my nonexistent dick, that little bitch. My door bell rang and I thought for a moment. I didn't order pizza, I had thought about it. Had the pizza gods heard my prayers and sent over pizza? They rang again.

"Who is it!" I yelled my voice disgusting and hoarse


"Nobody's home!"

"Amelia!" He begged, I heard a whimper and debated whether or not to let him in. I put down my chips and shuffled my fuzzy socks on my wood floor I tippy toed to see through the peep hole and could see his tall figure patiently waiting his hands crossed behind his back. I unlocked the door and ran back to the couch covering myself with my blanket.

"It's open!" I yelled, I heard the door creek and foot steps on the wood floor, the laugher of his deep chuckles.

"What are you doing?"

"I look like shit what do you want?"

"I have a surprise for you" I became still, and slowly brought down my blanket. I screamed reaching for the puppy that was covering Harry's face. I was blinded by a flash and frowned turning to Harry.

"Don't take pictures of me, I look like crap" I covered myself

"I was told by a birdie that you've been down lately, but I managed to put a smile onto your face and I will be proud of that accomplishment" he took a seat by me pushing my blankets and pillows aside.

"What's it's name?" I asked lifting the puppy up to see its gender.

"It's a boy and it currently un named, I wanted you to name him"

"Why me?"

"Because he's yours"

"What?" I grinned "You bought me a puppy?"

"Yes" he laughed "I thought we established that like two minutes ago"

"Thank you, id hug you but I'm pretty sure I smell"

"You say it like I care" he side hugged me squeezing me tight, his soft face against mine.

"Lick him Charlie" I lifted the puppy to his face.

"Heyy" he took the puppy from me, but as soon as he did Charlie squirted a little pee on his shirt.

"Ew" I scooted away from him he stood up placing Charlie down.

"No fucking way" he looked so surprised and shocked looking down at his piss shirt. I began to die of laughter. "stop laughing" he said unbuttoning his shirt.

"Good job Charlie" I held my stomach, Harry's shirt was completely off and he scrunched it in his hand, he was coming towards me and I stood on the couch. "Don't come closer" I warned slightly giggling.

"Why not?"he pouted

"Cause the dog pissed on you"

"You smell like piss" he returned and my mouth hung open. He began to laugh and I crossed my arms.

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