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I laid on the bed staring up at the white ceiling. Paying close detail to how there was a certain texture to the walls. Bill had gotten up not to long ago to use the restroom. I felt disgusted. Would that even be the right word? There was a sense of guilt in the pit of my stomach mixed with a feeling that all of this felt wrong. This is not how I imagined it, to be honest.... rough and very football-ish. What I meant by that was he tackled me three times as if I was some punching bag or if he was a quarter back trying to make a touch down. Don't even get me started on his bed skills. Some women would like an 'animal' in bed. But I was simply scared and sore... even more sore than with Harry. I wouldn't look at that as a plus because I felt like an object Bill was just waiting to destroy. As for Harry... I don't want to compare the two lets just say there was two big differences there.

"You're up" my eyes drifted from the roof to a naked hairy Bill.

"Augh Bill" I looked away

"Stop being silly" He ran, jumping into bed feeling the need to lick my neck then kiss me "This is so great, now we can both walk around naked, me in your house and you in mine"

"I'm good" I scooted towards the nightstand

"Are you okay?" He sat up

"Don't you think you were a little rough?" I placed a pillow on his ding dong.


"You were a little too eager and animal like to get in my pants"

"I've just been waiting for so long"

"But lust shouldn't determine our relationship"

"Yeah I know honey bun" he reached under the covers to pinch me.

"Bill" I slapped his hand trapping it with the blanket "listen to me"

"I am" he whined, standing up from the bed "Gosh you're always trying to take the fun out of things"

"What?" I sat up keeping the blanket up with my hand

"Nothing, baby"

"I never take the fun out of things, I'm just saying you could have toned it down a bit. I feel bruised up. I'm always trying to do things for your wants and needs" I turned my body reaching for my shirt placing it on followed by my skirt. "I even took a class to figure out how to please you" I mumbled picking up the rest of my things, leaving his room.

"If you took some classes they could have at least taught you how to suck some dick!" Bill followed after me yelling, I stopped in my tracks gasping. I turned around slapping him hard across his cheek. Getting my shoes and leaving his apartment. I decided not to wait outside his house and began walking down the street. I took out my phone dialing Harry. How dare he say that to me, god I'm such an idiot. I began to cry, wiping my eyes.

"Hello?" A groggily voice answered


"Yes?" His voice changed from tired to wide awake.

"Can you come pick me up" I took a deep breath, my voice shaky.

"Are you okay? I'm on my way" I could hear shuffling on the other line "Are you still at Bill's? Did he hurt you?"

"Can you please just come, I'm at the corner of his street" I hanged up sighing, I wiped my face completely. The thought of being outside at this time hit me and suddenly I grew paranoid by every little sound. The wind blew causing the leaves to create a rattle sound, the streets were quiet and looked like they led to a pitch black cave. I heard a tap of some sort, followed by a howl my heart rate increasing. Being blinded by head lights, I noticed the black Audi and the sleepy head in the car seat. I quickly climbed in closing his door shut.

"You alright?" he looked at me, I shook my head looking at my lap. "Why are you at the corner of his street at three, four in the morning?"

"We got in an argument" I mumbled

"A what?" He asked a little annoyed, driving away.

"Harry" my voice cracked "I don't want to talk about it right now..."

"Okay I understand" he sighed running his hand through his hair. "You had me worried, calling this early. I was sleeping"

"I'm sorry, Niko wouldn't have come. Kylie's out of town and you're the only one I could think of..."

"Don't be sorry, there's no need to apologize. Next stop your place?"

"I don't want to go home" I brought my legs up on the seat, feeling uncomfortable because of the pencil skirt. I sighed bringing my feet back down in the position they were previously.

"Then where?"

"Anywhere but no where in particular"


"Can you just drive non stop until I get hungry or something?"

"If that's what you want" I sighed laying my head on the cold glass. I closed my eyes slowly falling asleep to the peaceful music playing.


I wish I had a cute boy picking up the phone if I ever called at night... Lol

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