Andy (Chapter 80)

Start from the beginning

I stormed up to the boss.

"Who's my brother?!"

"That's not important."

"Tell me who he is and I'll...I'll sign the paper."

An evil grin spread across his face.

"Excellent choice."

I slowly sat back down in my seat. I took the paper and the pen and started signing.

"His name is Tyler Hanson, the police officer who's after us."

I dropped the pen after finishing signing my name.


"Thank you Andy. Boys, take him away."

"Tyler Hanson is my brother?! How is he my brother, how did I get here? What didn't you tell me", I shouted as the members started dragging me off.

The boss didn't reply, his grin grew into a smile. I swear his eyes turned black too. He's like the devil.


"Take him home", the boss said to one of his men.

On the way back I was quiet. I'm still in shock after he told me I had a brother. I'm more confused than ever. I thought I was finally piecing together my life. I found out my name, I know I had a family but I don't know the truth. I believe the boss holds the answers but he won't tell me. I don't know what to believe anymore.

"Go up to your room", one of the men ordered.

He didn't have to say that twice, I wanted to be alone.

I went up to my room, every time I come here I forget how big it is. It all means nothing to me, I'm just the same prisoner. It's worse now, I'm a slave, I have a master.

"You look more gloomy than usual."

It was Quinn, he helped himself in like usual. I heard the door click behind him.

"Can I just be alone please", I said.

I sat on the bed.

"I'm worried about you, I'm the only person who cares about you. I just want to make sure you're okay."

"Is that the truth", I asked in a dry tone.


"Everything I know up till now is a lie."

He looked interested in what I was saying.

"What did the boss tell you? Now that you're his son, I'm sure he is telling you all kinds of things."

"I'm not his son!"

He put up his hands.

"Okay, okay, calm down. Seriously though, what did he say?"

"Tyler Hanson is my brother."

I looked at Quinn to see his reaction, he lacked any.

"Did you know about this", I asked suspiciously.

He stayed quiet.

"Did you know about this", I said in a demanding tone.

"Watch how you talk to me boy", he said ordered.

I stood up.

"What do I have to lose? I've been trying to find out who I am for years but I can't because I can't remember a damn thing! Here you two are knowing all about me but refusing to tell me. Why?! What the hell did I do to deserve this?! I never harmed anyone, I can't. That means I'm a good person, maybe I did come from good parents. My brother is a cop so he's a good person too. I had a great family but I'm here. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!"

I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I was breathing heavily from the rage I kept inside all those years.

I never felt emotional like this, I had no reason to before.

Quinn approached me. He placed a hand on my shoulder. I moved my hand up to push him off but he didn't move.

"Let go of me!"

"You don't get to shout at me, you do as I say, understand?"

He shoved me onto the bed, I fell on my back. He then climbed on top of me, hovering over me. He leaned down, his face inches from mine.

"Don't", I begged.

"Shush", he whispered.

His tone was serious but there was something different, something I have never seen in him before.

"There are cameras in here so relax and just play along", he said, he whispered. "I can't say anything else right now, but it's true. I was there that day, I saw everything."


He suddenly moved in to kiss me quiet. It only lasted for a moment.

"I said to keep quiet, they're watching. That's all I can say for now."

"Get off of him Quinn and stop being perverted", one of the men busted into the room.

That ticked him off. Quinn quickly got up and walked over to the guy, he grabbed him by the neck.

"Who do you think you are to call me perverted?"

'I-I didn't mean it that way...I-I was just joking around..."

"Let him go Quinn, you know he was just messing around", Mikal said.

He let the guy go, the guy left nervously.

"You're one to talk Mikal", Quinn said as he ran his hands over his shirt, straightening it out.

"I don't get high on my supply. My hands are always off of our services."

"I don't go around killing people just because you know? It's a messy process."

"Anyway, leave Andy alone, okay?"

"I couldn't help myself. Finally, I was alone, he's so irresistible now."

Mikal rolled his eyes.

"Whatever", he said and then left.

"Looks like our romantic time has ended Andy. I'll see you around."

He winked at me before leaving.

He said he was there. So only he and the boss know the truth. The boss won't tell me but Quinn might. I just have to go somewhere so no one's watching. It was risky for him to tell me that much. 

At this point, I'm willing to risk it all to find out who I am.

To Be Continued...

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