Tyler (Chapter 72)

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She let out a sigh.

"I know. Still, enjoy lunch with me?"

"Of course."

She sat on my desk while we ate.

"So, what are you going to do for me on Valentine's Day?"

"Nothing now that you're bugging me about it too like Josh."

"Huh?! Seriously", she said sadly.

"I thought things like that were supposed to be a surprise."

"I know. I'm just super excited, that's all. It's my first time to having someone who wants to be my Valentine. I know it's stupid but--"

"It's not stupid. I never really celebrated it."

"I thought you had girlfriends."

"Yeah but it was never anything serious like us. Don't worry about it, okay?"

"Okay", she said with a smile.

We finished lunch a few minutes later, I cleaned up.

"Um, not to sound all impatient again but, my birthday is next month too, on the fourth and--"

I came over to stand in front of her.

"I know, I'm a detective, remember? I never forgot."

"That's right."

"I think it's pretty selfish thinking about yourself all the time. You do know I have a birthday too."

"Hey, I'm not being selfish! You never told me your birthday, only that you're old."

I glared at her. She giggled.

"I will permanently ban you from this office."

She threw her arms over my shoulders.

"No! I'm sorry!"

I would never actually do that.

"When is it then", she asked.

"March 14th."

"Really! That makes me older than you!"

"If that's the case, why do you keep calling me old?"

"You're old age-wise and I'm older month-wise."

"If you say so."

"I'm back boss, delivered those papers just like you said--oh...what is this?"

"Don't even start", I warned.

"Hi Josh", Sarina greeted happily.

He came over to us.

"I see his hands will forever hover over your ass Sarina, poor thing is too shy."

I threatened Josh with my eyes. Suddenly I felt Sarina take my hands, placing them on her butt.

"There, it's no big deal, you don't have to be shy Tyler."


"See he's stuttering", Josh teased. "I bet Javier made it past that."

"Josh", Sarina shouted.

My eyes went to her, questioning to see if that was true.

"Ugh! I'm not going to start. You and Javi need to talk things out because I'm always some kind of piece of meat you two are constantly fighting over."

She quickly removed my hands and turned to jump off my desk. I quickly grabbed her hand.

"I'm not starting anything. I don't care about that at all. Josh you better leave, you're just starting trouble!"

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