Javier (Chapter 54)

Start from the beginning

I took a seat, she did the same next to me.

"What we will be focusing on is hacking and taking over any technology remotely as well as covering your tracks. It's important to stay invisible and undetected, understood?"


"What have you done so far?"

"With the help of my senior officers and airmen, they had me work cameras and use programs to access devices remotely. I also had to hack into systems to control things like cameras, lights and so on according to officer's orders."

"It's easy when you have someone telling you what to do. In reality, that won't happen. You'll have to think on your feet. You already know how fast technology changes. Also, people can alter it, making it unfamiliar to someone who might only know the original format of the system. In training they just teach you how to operate things, I think it's a waste of time when you are dealing with cybercriminals. You need to really understand what you are working with, that way, if you're faced with something unfamiliar, you can at least know the basic structure of it to figure out the rest."

She actually makes a lot of sense. She really is good in this department.

"I agree."

"I'm not going to have you do anything yet without learning the basics so I'm going to give you material to study. Make sure you read everything. I will test you next time we meet. I prefer realistic tests, none of that training crap. If you're going to learn under me you will be the best. You better not embarrass me."

"I won't."

"Good, any questions can wait until later. I'm busy for the rest of the day."

With that, she stood up and left.

I don't even want to ask questions. She's not the inviting type to ask anything. Not that I need someone nice to train me, but still, she can drop whatever's making her act like that.

I did not know what to do now. She never told me when she was going to give me that study material.

I walked out of the room to see her sitting at her desk. She did not acknowledge my presence.

"So, are you supposed to give me that material to study?"

She raised her head from what she was doing.

"You honestly expected to give you printouts or something?"

"Uh...I don't know."

"I'll send it through email, just be patient. You'll get it by the end of the day. It's not like you'll learn everything in a few days. It takes a long time to learn that stuff."

"Well, I am top of the class for a reason. I'm really good at learning things quickly so I don't think you should doubt what I can accomplish."

She glared at me and then stood up.

"I was top of my class as well. You think you're better than me?"

"I didn't say that ma'am."

"Do not call me that. Always refer to me as sergeant Wright, understood?"

"Yes, sergeant."

"Get out of my office. Cadet."

My lips thinned out as I held my tongue. I absolutely despise her. Yeah, she seems to be one of the best to train me but I don't think I can tolerate her attitude much longer.


A week later...

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