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Hy..i guess it really never stops
I thought i wouldnt have to write here anymore
But here i am
Yk that feeling when u cant talk to anybody?
When even ur usual go to person ,u feel like ur boyhering them.
N then u start panicking because u have nobody..and ur throat closes up..
Some days i really wish i could die
Like right now
I just want to die so bad
But then i think,i cant,i have to live for my future babys.
Lets say i believe in reincarnation
Then id be gone in a sec,id have babys in my next lifetime
I feel like im choking
Theres something up with my throat,like someons choking me
I want to die so bad
Just end it all
Im pathetic
So flawed
Please kill me
We all know it would be better..
Ig thats it for the day
Goodbyeee beans
And to whoever reads every single one of these..firstoff..whose u? Second off,i love you ❤ but dont torture urself like that hun..its not healthy

my diaryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon