Y/N laughed, and Usopp kicked through Snow Barrel's face, destroying it.

Luffy: Ahh! Mr. Snow Barrel!


Luffy and Usopp looked at each other, before both of them kicking through Y/N's snowman.

Y/N: NOOO!!!! You bastards! You shall pay for that!

The three of them proceeded to start a snowball fight. Somewhere else, Sanji was shoveling the excess snow that was on the Merry.

Sanji: Nami-san~! How much shoveling of love would you like me to do~?!

Nami: Please continue until it stops snowing, Sanji-kun!

Sanji: Yaay~! Nami-san~!

Suddenly, some lightning struck.

Y/N: Whoa! The weather in the Grand Line sure is crazy!

Nami: AAAHHH!!!

Usopp: Wh... What?

Luffy: What's the matter?

Y/N: Something wrong, Nami?!

Nami checked the log pose.

Nami: Ahhh... No way! Turn the ship around 180 degrees! Hurry!

Y/N: 180 degrees?!

Usopp: Why're we going back?!

Luffy: Did you forget something?

Nami: The ship has turned around and is going in the opposite direction! When I looked away from the log pose for a second... The waves were calm earlier...

Miss Wednesday: Are you really a navigator?

Nami got mad at her question.

Miss Wednesday: In this sea, you can't trust the winds, sky, waves, clouds, anything. The only thing that doesn't change is the direction that the log pose points. Do you understand that?

Miss Wednesday and Mr. 9 were suddenly kicked into the main deck by Nami.

Nami: Stop bossing me around in those cozy blankets and go help already!

Y/N caught Miss Wednesday before she could hit the floor.

Y/N: You okay?

Miss Wednesday: *Very small blush* I, uh... yeah. Thanks.

Nami: Brace the yard! Receive the wind from the starboard! Turn the ship 180 degrees to the left! Usopp, take care of the lateen sail!

Usopp: Got it!

Nami: Sanji-kun, take the helm!

Sanji: Leave it to me, Nami-san~!

Nami: You guys! I'm counting on you!

Mr. 9: She's such a slave driver.

Usopp: Hey, wait! The wind has changed.

Nami: No way!

The clouds cleared up, and a breeze passed by.

Mr. 9: It's the first spring gale!

Nami: Why?!

Y/N: Ahh... it feels nice.

Zoro who was nearby, was just sleeping.

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