Chapt 11: A glimpse

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3rd pov:

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3rd pov:

A day have passed. The incident has been imprinted in their minds except the ones who weren't present. You couldn't know why your just bursted in rage! You just did..

It was after lunch and you sit on the couch beside Auntie Chen you seemed to be immersed to the show she's watching. You puff as you rest your arm on the arm-rest as you too decided to watch it.

"You know, that girl. She actually had fillers. Tsk! Y/N dear never put plastic in your face, EVER. Unless you're actually not the cut" She says to you as she flaps her hand on you. You just hummed awkwardly and raised one eyebrow.

Auntie Chen then joined in and then all the aunties decided to join in. All were in a chit chat and just ratting out what their watching.

You're pretty interested in what their saying than watching the actual movie. Until you feel a tap. You turn around and see your mom. She waves her hand indicating to come here.

You feel all anxious again. This may be related to the incident.. Most likely it is.

You follow her to your room. You both head in and see MeiMei making notes as she listens to music. She turns around and sees you both all confused. She shook her head to you trying to know what's going on and you shrugged since you don't know what's going on either.

You stand infront of the bed and MeiMei does the same. Your mom exhales. You take a glimpse of each other in nervousness.

"You girls will not go to school until the ritual has passed. It's safer. All extra classes and activities will be suspended" She announced "What??" Mei gasps

"But I can do it. We can do it! We can stay calm and never make a fit ag-" "MeiMei. Look- I know it's hard but it's safe to say that you girls couldn't handle the panda. It's safer for you two and the people" She makes a point.

"But MeiMei didn't do anything harmful! I was the one whose being all feral.. You should let her go instead" You say as you fiddled your hands behind your back.

"This is general safety, Y/N. We wouldnt now if your sister is gonna do that too. End of story" She says firmly at the end.

Her face softens and cupped your cheek and caresses it. You looked down as she pulls away. She pats MeiMeis head then heads out of the room.

There was silence... for a while.. The only sound there was the anxious flicking of your nails.

"I'm sorry.." You suddenly uttered "Ah- You don't have to. It's not your fault. if he hadn't rat out our family in the first place you wouldn't exploded!" She makes a point.

"But it is.. I couldn't keep it in.. I- I just bursted in rage.. thought I had more mannerism because I played ballet.." You muttered as you sit down on the bed.

"It's fine. Ugh! This stupid jerk! Why did he even say that. Does he speaks to his mother like that or something!? Geez!" She complains as she also sit on the bed.

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